Internet and Artificial Intelligence to be a boon or curse for the world?


New Delhi,  

Dr. DP Sharma, International Information Technology Expert and IT Consultant of ILO speaks in Internet Governance Forum’s Mission Public Joint Dialogue “Global Citizen Dialogue on the Future of the Internet”, established by the United Nations.

Addressing the conference Dr. Sharma said that we need to control artificial intelligence and the Internet’s global governance with equal opportunity, rights protection, and humanitarian perspective, otherwise the future of the world will be endangered on the surface of privacy, security, and humanity.

Let it be known that this is the world’s largest dialogue in which more than 81 countries have participated to make rules, laws, and policy on issues like “Internet Governance, Data Rights and Artificial Intelligence” and the target to include all countries of the world.

In the 2-day international dialogue, the first session held on 9 October 2020 was moderated by Lynn ST Amour (Lin-Isti Amor), former chairman of Internet Governance of the United Nations. In addition to Professor DP Sharma at this online dialogue press the conference, Michael Roth, Minister of State of the General Assembly Council of the European Union, Nadia Al Salad, former Information Minister of Yemen, Policy of the World Wide Web Foundation’ Director Emily Sharpe, Professor Andrey A Shcherbovich of National Research University Moscow, Global Hub World Economic Forum’s Zodiac, Rashi, Director of Democratic Governance and Anti-discrimination Council of Europe Claudia Luciani, International Project Manager of Mission Public Antoine Vergne, International Communication Mission Public Maria Tazi, etc. participated in the international dialogue. Issues related to Internet governance in this dialogue like Digital  Privacy and Security of Citizen Data, Data Resource, Data as Labor, Data as Personal Reflection, Data as Infrastructure, Economic Value of Data, Cultural Value of data, Global Democratic Values, Issues such as misinformation, Disinformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Intervention, Inclusion of People, Future of Internet and Artificial Intelligence, etc. were discussed in detail to shape the United Nations agenda by collaborating on global digital platforms.

Dr. DP Sharma said that the world has four major pillars of Internet users such as the Judiciary, Politicians, Technocrats and General Public. In today’s situation, there is a lot of issues in the coordination among these four major stakeholders and if it is not rectified in time, then the dream of internet governance of the United Nations and the world will remain incomplete. Dr. Sharma said that after 5 years the rate of unemployment would take a terrible shape in the world if agencies like United Nations did not intervene in its expansion from the humanitarian point of view at the speed with which artificial intelligence is spreading in the world. He said that in the changed circumstances due to COVID 19, today education, governance, administration, management, communication, everything has become dependent on the Internet, which we can consider as an international irrational race on the information highway, but we have to make it logical and humanistic. If Internet governance is not made more democratic, safe, and improved in time, its consequences can be very fatal. The attitude of most governments of the world so far has been to lock down the Internet with the thin tunnel of democracy and suppress public voice. Under the new circumstances, it has often been seen that professional rights, human rights, and general communication rights are completely disrupted on the Internet platform. The only reason for this whole game is that we have not yet been able to make any global or international law to govern (control / operate) the Internet for the world. All the laws that are governing the Internet in the world are either semi-built, partially designed, and or not designed at all.

In the second day of the Dialogue meeting on 10 October 2020, Indian Professor and IT Consultant of ILO (UN) Dr. DP Sharma, Professor of Brazil and United Nations IGF Technical Consultant Flavio Wagner, Chief of Technology and Government of the French Government Ambassador of Digital Affairs Henri Verdier, International Analyst of UNCTAD and UNIDO, Jason Munyan of Switzerland, Regional Engagement Director of IGF of Argentina, Eileen Cejas, Director of Operations i4 Policy Lorenzo Banno, Menon Poster, Mission Publique and other high officials were present at the dialogue event

Dr. Sharma undoubtedly said that the Internet has strengthened democracy and due to the efforts of the United Nations to reduce the digital divide, democracy is strengthening in the world today, but as democracy is strengthening, so is social media is on censorship target by benevolent democracies. Due to the communication with misinformation and disinformation among people through social media, governments are facing many problems due to which censorship is also increasing. This needs to be fixed. Endorsing Dr. Sharma’s statement, the French Government’s Chief of Technology Affairs and Ambassador, Prof Henry Verdier, said that when the Freedom of Expression starts violating its borders in a country, then for the smooth conduct of trade and government and to establish peace It has to be censorship. But there is still a need to create a democratic global road map for this.

Here, Dr. Sharma while referring to his theory “Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Rights” said that these two theories continue to collide in themselves today and also give rise to new controversies. Today there is a need to find a solution to this. Dr. Sharma emphasized on the need to control this new type of cyber-crime along with disinformation, misinformation as well as fish-information. For those who are associated with business or profession internationally and whose entire work is done through the Internet, how to make an uninterrupted and secure tunnel of the Internet so that they can operate their work smoothly, free from lock down, Even considering this, we need to enact an international level law.

Dr. Sharma also mentioned 3 models proposed by IGF, 1) Digital Common Architecture, 2) Distributor Co-Governance Architecture and 3) Internet Governance Forum Plus. Speaking on the three architectures, Dr. Sharma said that to make these models more democratic and effective, there is a need to change their structure. He said above the distributed governance model that along with this model we also need to convert the centralized and decentralized model so that the dependence can be reduced. Speaking on the futuristic internet governance in dialogue, Dr. Sharma said that digital cooperation, international trust, and openness of dialogue is not only a requirement of internet governance but also internet security, personal privacy, global crime prevention, in all three models of internet governance. There is also a need to effectively include health information privacy etc.

Dr. Sharma, referring to his experience, said that in future the crime will not be carried out on the street with guns, sticks, and stones but on the internet through mouse and keyboard, which the current law is not able to control. It is worth mentioning that earlier in 2003 and 2005, the United Nations organized the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) and an Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was established from this summit. This IGF of the United Nations is today striving to enact a global law for Internet Governance and Artificial Intelligence Intervention.


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