Then we will be compelled to agitate in a democratic way

Dhenkanal ,

The family members of deceased  Mamata & Jyotsna Pothal and women leaders of Bhuban NAC led by Kamakhyanagar Assembly segment BJP Kisan Morcha Prabhari Er Debashisha Hota met Dhenkanal SP Sri Santosh Nayak demanding proper investigation of the much highlighted double murder case.

Here noteworthy that, on last 7th September 2018, both Mamata & her minor daughter Jyotshna of Nua Bhuban Godipatana area died unnaturally. On 12th September, women leaders of Bhuban NAC approached Bhuban police SI Pankaj Majhi for the Postmortem report. Mr Majhi showed them a piece of paper saying it as the PM report. According to Mr Majhi, in the said PM report Dr Ramesh Sahoo marked that the mother & daughter were died due to burning. This report of Dr Sahoo was not believable by those women leaders. Hence they approached Er Hota.

They demanded the SP for DNA verification of the organ parts of the deceased which has been preserved by the doctor after autopsy. If DNA samples of the deceased has been matched then Postmortem should be held again at SCB by a team of doctors. If DNA or previous PM report will not match with the 2nd one then Dr Sahoo should be terminated from his service & sent to jail.

We have faith on the greatest judicial system of our nation. If we have doubt not to get justice for ill intention of any officer, then we will be compelled to agitate in a democratic way for safeguard of our right. And during the agitation if any type of law & order situation arouse, then government will be held responsible, Er Hota threatened on this occasion.

Realising the gravity of the situation, SP Sri Nayak phoned Bhuban IIC and came to know that the complaint is based on fact. Dr Sahoo was not done postmortem at all. He produced the imaginary report by himself. SP assured to recommend his higher authorities for stringent action against the errant doctor. He also warned the IIC for not waiting the family members of the deceased before cremation of the dead bodies as per rule. SP Sri Nayak directed the Additional SP Sri Binay Krushna Kamila to look into this sensitive case personally for immediate justice to the killed persons.



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