Author Anuradha Prasad Announces Her New Book to Be Released Next Year

The Kindle Edition of Anuradha’s second book “Coming Back Home” hits more than 10,000 downloads and this encourages the author to reveal her plan of releasing her new book, a collection of soulful short stories, in March 2018


On the occasion of the International Women’s Day on 8th March next year, Author Anuradha Prasad is all set to launch her new book, which is a collection of soulful short stories. Anuradha has already achieved her prominence as an eminent writer and story-teller for her two books published before: 1. Two Winters and 365 Days, and 2. Coming Back Home.

Released in 2016, the Kindle edition of ‘Coming Back Home’ surpassed 10,000 downloads recently. Her first book was released in 2013, which is an inspiring story of a single mom. Anuradha focuses her writing to create a meaningful storyline that can motivate readers to take on the challenges that we are bound to witness every now and then in our lives. Her upcoming book will also encompass realistic everyday stories of bravery and courage that will touch every human being and encourage him/her to embark upon his/her journey overcoming all barriers.

Speaking about her debut book, Anuradha maintains that it will always remain close to her heart, and she will keep writing stories that one can easily relate to his or her life. “I continued my inspirational and motivating story idea while authoring ‘Coming Back Home’. The book touched every reader and several of the notable reviewers appreciated my style of illustrating an audacious life journey of an imaginative character, who is full of vigor and zeal, despite the agony, criticism and adversities that come in the way,” reveals the author.

She opines further, “The real appreciation and encouragement is the overwhelming response from my readers and such a significant number of downloads of my book. It gives me the idea that readers love my writing and I should not keep them waiting for long to take them on another stimulating ride, full of twists and tales. I am going to finish my new book soon, where readers will come across the real life drama that is pretty realistic, and which will encourage people to think rationally and act sensibly.”

When asked, Anuradha revealed that the new book will be available in both paperback and Kindle editions and will promise heart-touching tales to every curious mind.


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