Women face different kinds of health issues ranging from hormonal imbalance



In a bid to educate women about the various changes their bodies undergo during menopause, Columbia Asia Hospital, Ahmedabad today organized a health talk on the subject. The session focused on addressing the various concerns, physical, emotional, and mental, faced by women in their 40s and 50s.

Menopause represents the end of a woman’s reproductive life, and can be a stressful period. A fall in the protective hormone, estrogen, makes a woman vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases, as well as bone and skin-related problems.

The event had Dr. Ujjwala Kedare addressing the gathering of 40 women, who came to attend the session. Dr. Ujjwala Kedare, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist and Director of Kedare Nursing Home, Nagpur and has played a key role in creating awareness for Menopause in the Country. Dr. Monika Patel, Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ahmedabad accompanied her in the event.

“Menopause brings along numerous hormonal changes in the body. It affects both physical and mental health, and every woman has her own experience with it, both in terms of age and emotions. Some women feel a sense of relief, especially if it comes at a time when it is due—between 50 and 55. However, when it comes early, as we are increasingly seeing these days, sometimes as early as 30, women suffer mentally and emotionally too. Issues such as vaginal dryness, urinary problems, sleep disturbances, and mood and behavioral changes are common during the stage.

Women may also see a rise in body weight, which may be distressing. Simple practices, such as deep breathing and exercise help alleviate the stress and anxiety at this time,” said Dr. Ujjwala Kedare “Osteoporosis is common with post-menopausal women, as low levels of estrogen lead to low bone density, making the bone brittle, hence fragile. Women with postmenopausal osteoporosis are susceptible to fractures of their hips, wrists, and spine. Therefore, joint mobility exercises help in preventing the condition. These exercises could include strength-training and the building of certain muscles. Practising these exercises regularly ensures flexibility and mobility. It also relaxes the joints by reducing soreness,” said Dr. Monika Patel, Consultant, Gynecology, Columbia Asia Hospital, Ahmedabad.

At multiple points in their lives, women face different kinds of health issues ranging from hormonal imbalance, disturbed menstrual cycles, polycystic ovary syndrome or other reproductive health issues to more serious health woes such as cervical or ovarian cancer. The key to warding off dangers and threats is to stay alert and keep up the defences.


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