Loupe presents the largest collection of exquisite Jewellery in collaboration with Jeep


Ankita-Rai-Tiwari,-Pallavi-INVC NEWS
New Delhi,

Loupe, an exclusive luxury brand catering to the connoisseurs of edgy and exquisite jewellery and accessories showcased its collections in front of HNI’s of Delhi party circuit at ‘Paparazzi CO’. The event was hosted by Pallavi Soni Managing Director – Loupe, in collaboration with Jeep India, a 75 years old automobile brand that has been indelibly linked to freedom, adventure, authenticity and passion.

Considering the accelerating market of jewellery and lifestyle in Delhi, the launch witnessed the who’s and who of the town like Mayank Soni, Charu Parashar, Anupam Parashar, Model Zulfi Syed ,Dimple Fauzdar,Ashish Marwaha, Neetu Popli , Deepti  S Suri , Seher Tibb ,Mayank Gupta to name a few.

Loupe has displayed their new collection which includes Rhapsody Q, Boho, Iridescence, Soarin Affair, Serrate Charms,Bella, ISA and Love edition . Loupe wanted to create a space that is quirky and peppy in nature, keeping the contemporary times in mind but at the same time it could relate to the past generation as well.


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