Trust in God makes every place a temple – Why do we go to temples


temples– Pankaj Sinha –

A temple holds a great place in almost everyone’s life.We are going to temple for thousands of years.Our Shastras and Puranas have indicated the importance and advantages of praying at temple. They tell us that the ritual that are followed day to day are of great importance.For generations we have been taught that if we visit temple,you get blessings and peace of mind. It has been told that one should not mock,ridicule or disrespect the sacred things.

Explaining about why people go to temple can be a tender subject. People try to explain this by religious and scientific explanations. However it is not of much importance how people explain it. The only important thing is that is visiting a temple improves our mental well being,if yes then it is good. On the other hand some people who believe that as God is omnipresent there is no need for going to temples. I also believe in it but with some corrections.

If we can sense that He is present in everyone and everywhere then no need to go from one place to another seeking Him. We don’t have to run about to meet Him. He is already present in our awareness. Going to temples doesn’t help much but if you have trust in His existence then every place is a temple. You don’t have to run here and there for Him. He is present everywhere . People say that they go to temple to seek His blessings,care and love. But the only truth is that if we trust His existence, He gives more blessings ,care and love than what we deserve. This trust is actual path to get him.

So the point is that whichever way one may go,one should have trust in His existence. If anyone sense his existence in physical form he goes to temple to worship his idol. On the other hand people who sense his existence in everything have faith that he is present everywhere and hence no need to go to a temple. Both type of people have trust in His existence. So it is only a matter of trust not of debate. Either way, we are admitting his existence and it is our way to connect to him, either through temples or through oneself.

Pankaj-Sinha-Motivational-Writer-PatnaPankaj Sinha
Motivational Writer

Research confirms that motivational write-ups is a very important factor in an individual’s development . Motivational writing is something that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior; it gets an individual moving, points them in a particular direction, and keeps them going. We often see individual’s motivation reflected in personal approach and in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement in social activities

Pankaj Sinha’s motivational writings directs an individual toward particular goals with renewed energy and leads to increased efforts with morals & values. Pankaj Sinha mastered the Art of enhancing an individual’s performance in all spheres of life through his writings.


  1. Good article. I think people are not able to concentrate through niraakar meditation that’s why they go to temple to worship sagun (with attributes) bhagwan. Either way, a pure heart is the first step towards enlightenment.

  2. He has attach several tools to contact Him.Requirement is only behave with your tender heart.Don’t
    act with maturity.Like a child.He will come to us.This exprience is inexpressable! Your imigination and belief tools are very important.


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