Justices From Federal Republic Of Germany Calls On Vice President


delegation of Justices from Federal Republic of Germany,Vice President, Mohd. Hamid Ansari,INVC,

A delegation of Justices from Federal Republic of Germany called on the Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari here today. The Vice President interacted with the members of the delegation.

The members of the delegation include : Prof. Dr. iur. Michael Eichberger, Judge at Federal Constitutional Court; Dr. habil. Rainer Schlegel, Chief Justice at the Federal Social Court; Dr. jur. Rainer Stormer, Judge at the Federal Administrative Court; Dr. Ulrich Herrmann, Judge at the Federal Court of Justice; and Prof. Dr. Henning Radlke, Judge at the Federal Court of Justice. Shri Pravin H. Parekh, President, Confederation of Indian Bar accompanied the delegation.


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