More than 500 women came together to pledge towards Water Conservation creating the world record for the largest human formation of the letter ‘W’ by all women at the NSIC Grounds, Okhla on the 12th October between 8 to 9 AM. All of them wore blue caps (blue representing water) with the logo of inverted umbrella which stands for ‘Water Conservation’. ‘W’ represents Women standing for Water. This saw the beginning of the community of Women Water Warriors. Initiated by the Vertica Dvivedi, Chairperson, WADE Foundation, the massive awareness campaign brought together the community of women who will be working towards ‘Water’ in various capacities.
The enthusiasm and rigour with which people participated and came together at 8 AM on a Saturday morning delighted the judges at ASIA BOOK OF RECORDS. “An immensely positive sign which showed the great possibility for communities to stand for a social cause,” said one of the judges! Vertica Dvivedi who is also the founder of WADE ASIA, Asia’s largest platform for Women Architects, Designers, Artists and Engineers said, “Creating a world record and getting recognized by ASIA BOOK OF RECORDS is very encouraging for all the Women Water Warriors. I consider it as the beginning for many more great things to come. WADE FOUNDATION will be working on various water-related initiatives from January 2020 onward. We will be calling for the submission of water-related projects soon. I am thankful to all the group leaders, volunteers, and associations who supported this.”
Special thanks to WADE ASIA for including WATER as a key theme and executing this initiative! Thanks to supporting partners: JK Business School, Pearl Academy, Lakshya Jeevan Jagriti, Gurgaon Community Circle, Boss Ladies, WOO, NOW Foundation, Dwarka Moms, Womennovator, Develop India Foundation, Helping Hands AIDER, Delhi Veg Lions International, and Rajasthani Academy