When the going gets tough, the tough get going – 2020’s lead sustainopreneur


2020- the year of emerging sustainability mindset and the changemakers- Sustainopreneurs

New Delhi,

365 days ago, a year back who would have dreamt of such a time, where the world will come to a halt. Undoubtedly, it was a time to despair. But at the same time it was also a time which saw opportunities in the crisis. Startups which understood the definition of new normal who saw the problems and worked to pioneer businesses that tackle everything from building better sustainable products to make Smart Home Technology accessible to every home in the country before the end of this decade and becoming a key contributor to the nation’s economy.  

Sustainopreneurship is based on innovative ideas about how to create a more sustainable way of living, here are few Sustainopreneurs who emerged during Covid times.

Sumit and Roopa Hariharan, Co-founders, PureCult – How we can live and operate sustainably in the future and make the current global issues -the reason for our economic action. Roopa and Sumit always believed in doing their bit for the environment is no longer just about giving up the use of plastic. Both are eco-warriors, ensuring sustainability starts from their own house. Pure Cult was born out of Roopa’s desire to lead an environmentally conscious life. After attending an insightful session at the World Economic Forum in 2019, Roopa made some significant changes in her own household. She switched from diesel cars to completely electric vehicles and even adopted greener solar energy for her home. Pure Cult is a one stop shop for all home care needs. Each product has cold pressed organic essential oils and is a Zero hero- Zero chemicals, Zero Sulphates, Zero Phosphates, Zero Bleach, Zero Artificial Colour, Zero Artificial Fragrance, Zero Harmful Acids, Zero animal testing. Pet Friendly and Environment friendly products.

NIYATI CHANDER, COO & Co Founder of SmartDEN

Niyati is the Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of SmartDEN, an Indian start up that is focussed on evolving and upgrading lifestyle by transforming regular homes to smart homes. She believes that through SmartDEN, she is providing a platform for every homeowner to lead an efficient and eco-friendly lifestyle. She is carving her own niche in the home industry by promoting green living and monitoring carbon footprint.

Her gutsy and bold approach is what nudged her to start SmartDEN during the pandemic and has built a significant team within 3 months of its birth

Vivek Subramanyam, Co-Founder AltLife – After getting diagnosed with diabetes, Vivek Subramanyam realised that no amount of medicines and increased dosages were helping him in maintaining his blood sugar levels. After extensive research, he understood that medicines and other interventions mostly focus on managing the symptoms and not the core illness. He realised that lifestyle choices and incorrect metabolism are the major reasons behind such diseases, and one needs to maintain a good lifestyle to overcome such health problems. In 2018, Vivek launched AltLife to help people maintain their well being and beat the diseases. This Bengaluru-based healthtech company provides patients with a tech platform to connect with doctors and nutritionists in order to get expert consultations on food, fitness, mental well-being and medical diagnosis. The company also has a team of in-house chefs who make and supply food made with organic produce. The platform connects the patients with trainers who help them with regular exercises and meditation to maintain their body weight and mental health.

Dipali Mathur, Cofounder, Super Smelly – Fun, adventurous, edgy, carefree, wild and exciting – that’s Super Smelly, India’s only brand of personal care products for Gen Z that is 100% toxin-free, made with naturally derived ingredients, and gentle yet effective. An offering from The Natturel & Kool Co., the brand has a range of zany products – from deodorants to pocket perfumes, face washes to lip balms and highly-effective face packs – that are certified 100% Toxin-Free and Made Safe by SCA (Safe Cosmetics Australia). The products are free from harmful chemicals like sulphates,parabens,triclosans,PEGs or Silicones.Super Smelly makes the first and only certified safe spray deodorants in the country.

Launched in the year 2018, Super Smelly is the entrepreneurial brainchild of Dipali Mathur Dayal. Mother to an active growing up daughter, Dipali was on the perpetual quest to find safe personal care products for hertween and in the absence of safeoptions in India, she was obligated to use either ineffective babycare products or brands meant for adults. This was when she along with her friend, Milan Sharma (Co-Founder NKPL),set off on the journey of formulating India’s only Gen Z-focused brand of natural and toxin-free personal care solutions.


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