A Bharat Matrimony matchmaking survey to find out “What people expect from a life partner” saw a whopping 11,682 participants share their opinion.
When asked “what you’re ready to compromise on” while choosing a partner, majority of men (56%) were ready to compromise on the salary earned by their fiancée, while 55% of girls said fiancé’s looks, but salary is the least they’re willing to compromise on.
In response to “what you’d not compromise on” 65% of men are not ready to compromise on the option to stay with their parents post marriage, while a slightly higher percentage of women are not ready to compromise on their own career and independence post marriage.
As for “what you’re ready to let go for your partner,” both males and females believe they can stay flexible with their expectations.
While about 65% of women are okay with their husband not dropping them at their office every day, they are not ready to accept men taking lesser responsibility in household chores.
Around 85% of both genders said they expect their partners to be absolutely frank. 75% of women said “respect for parents” by the prospective groom is very important. 65% of men expect their fiancé, to be ready to take care of their parents.
Launching the matchmaking survey results, Kaushik Tiwari, Head Marketing at says, “These surveys are part of BharatMatrimony’s endeavour to study consumer insights and continuously improve our understanding of customer expectations, to stay relevant.”