The newly opened Industrial Training Institute (ITI) at Garh-Jamula will have three new trades of Motor Vehicle, Motor Mechanic and Electrician form the next fiscal, said Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh while addressing a gathering after dedicating Rs 5.08 crore rupees ITI building to the people of the area at Garh-Jamula in Sulah assembly segment of Kangra district on Monday.
The assurance came after Transport and Technical Education Minister, Shri G.S. Bali said that the department of technical education was willing to start three new trades in the ITI at Garh Jamula to provide the training to the youth of the State in much demanded skills.
He said that trained manpower was the need of big industrial houses and the government was endeavoured to provide training to the youth for polishing their skills. To achieve the objective as many as 105 ITI has been opened in government sector alone besides numerous in private sector, he said. “We are aware of the rising unemployment in the country and to make the youth self-dependant, number of ITIs were being opened in far flung and rural areas to benefit the rural youth. No State can progress unless the rural areas were made prosperous”, he said, adding that maximum people reside in rural areas and the State government was concentrating to provide better education, improvised health services and better road connectivity besides other basic amenities in such areas.
Terming schools and other educational institutions as ‘Temples of Learning’ Shri Virbhadra Singh said that it was everyones responsibility to maintain and upkeep them. The Chief Minister said that the dilapidated roofs of every school would be repaired or replaced with green roof sheets.
The State government was committed to provide quality and compulsory education to the children and in this direction as many as 22 degree colleges have been opened in rural and far flung areas of the State so as to benefit the girl child the most, said Shri Virbhadra Singh. “Besides imparting value based education stress should also be on Moral education and the onus lies upon the teachers to ensure that the children may be taught of what is right and what is wrong for them” he said.
Moreover, a government engineering college was being set up at Kotla in Jeuri in Shimla district. A hydro –engineering college was being set up in Bilaspur, many more Polytechnic institutes were set up as the government was more concerned for providing job-oriented education to the youth so that they are picked up for job by big industrial houses as scope for jobs in government sector was limited.
Chief Minister also honoured Thakur Charu Singh who donated 15 kanals of land for the building to come up. He said that as per his commitment the name of those who donate their land for Educational buildings, Health institutions, Gau-sadans etc would be incorporated in the plaque along-side the inauguration plaque so that it becomes a source of inspiration for others to donate land for public cause.
Chief Minister congratulated HIMUDA for constructing a well designed building of ITI and inspected the helipad site at Bhoda near Garh Jamula.
Later the Chief Minister performed foundation stone laying ceremony of Fire Brigade and office building at Kangra to cost Rs 2.03 crore. He also dedicated the multi-storey parking at Gupt-Ganga in Kangra constructed at a cost of Rs 3.73 crore. This would facilitate parking of as many as 100 vehicles providing much needed relief from parking hazards for the pilgrims and the visitors coming to pay obeisance at Brajeshwari temple Kangra.
Technical Education and Transport Minister, Shri G S Bali while addressing the gathering said that during last two years and nine months the government had opened five polytechnic institutes and 16 ITIs. He said that all other ITIs would be constructed in the same pattern as the one in Garh Jamula.
Shri Bali said that more than 80 percent of the campus selection took place in the present government’s regime wherein the trained youth were picked up for job by big and well reputed industrial houses. He thanked the Chief Minister for enhancing the budget of Technical Education department.
Earlier, Chief Parliament Secretary Shri Jagjeevan Pal welcomed the Chief Minister to his home segment and thanked him for dedicating the multi-storey ITI building which has 47 rooms, four halls and other required paraphernalia.
MLAs Shri Sanjay Rattan, Shri Kishori Lal, Shri Yadvinder Goma and Shri Pawan Kajal, Chairman, KCCB, Shri Jagdish Sapehiya, Vice-Chairman HP State Forest Corporation, Shri Kewal Singh Pathania, Chairman, Education Board, Shri Balbir Tegta, DC, Shri Ritesh Chauhan, SP, Shri Abhishek Dullar were also present on the occasion amongst others.