Speaking on the same, Dr. Varun Gupta said, “Globally we are aware about the pandemic COVID-19 and the lockdown implemented by Govt have affected the Indian economy and this needs great efforts from the different bodies and authorities so that a stable position can be achieved successfully. Through the research paper we have examined the link between poverty and unemployment regarding lockdown and the impact of lockdown on poverty and unemployment will be disclosed with evidence and different features. Inequality and lack of opportunities are the most important reasons which lead towards poverty and unemployment. Due to lockdown and COVID-19 situations everything is getting extremely expensive and some people are not even able to achieve a good healthy routine in their food. This report will throw light on necessary elements which need to be discussed regarding poverty and unemployment in lockdown conditions in India.
It has been studied that unemployment in India has traditionally been collected once every five years by the ministry of labour and employment and they conduct the sample studies with the help of the National sample survey office. It has been observed that in five years of sample studies India has expected since 2017 never routinely collected monthly, quarterly or yearly employment and unemployment statistics. As per (Savinaya, 2020) fact is getting adverse day by day and the outcomes of the survey are not appropriate and favourable for the circumstances of economic condition. It has been identified that due to lockdown and covid-19 the scenario is getting even worse. There is unanimity among the scholars regarding organised manufacturing sector in India which has this close to analysis on jobless growth. From the report of 2018-19 it has been evaluated that Indians are considered as the people where lack of employment opportunities are observed and it is considered as one of the most observed problems regarding growth and development of the youth. It has been evaluated that approximately 18.6 million Indians were jobless and another 393.7 million work in poor quality jobs for vulnerable displacements. The children are not utilising their skills and abilities for development and growth and they are settling for poor quality jobs just for achieving a certain amount of salary or wage.