The evolving scenario of education in India


New Delhi,

The boom of Edtech/Online platforms has empowered students, professionals & kids across regions in India whether be in regards to continuation of school curriculum, introducing a new concept/study material, upgrading your skills or just clearing a doubt. Now when the schools are opening, a new integration is about to inset in the Indian Education Regime.


“In every field, be it finance, medicine, engineering, or business, we had innovations periodically with the entire equipment, protocol and procedures undergoing changes in as less as 3 to 5 years. The advanced diagnostic tools, mathematical modelling tools and fintech have empowered them to an extent that the best services can be made available even in a village. We are in an age where a wrist watch is being used as a medical diagnostic tool effectively. However the regular school Education – which is to prepare the generation to undertake these jobs – saw very little or no change in a decade. EdTech players were forced to sell B2C providing software tools for ‘augmented learning” says Mr. Saiju Aravind, Founder of EduBrisk Knowledge Solutions on the recent scenario.

“However, the COVID lockdown has changed the scenario, empowering all stakeholders in education in an unprecedented manner. EduBrisk belongs to that category of EdTech companies who strongly believe that every school can deliver extraordinary teaching with the help of these state of art tools and we are happy to see that hundreds of schools are embracing it with confidence and certitude that it will serve as the finest scalpels in the hands of an expert surgeon. And for those who are not experts, the tool is serving as an upskilling element. We at EduBrisk are happy that many school owners and educationists agree upon the fact that blended learning model and technology integrated lesson delivery should have been introduced long back and that it’s not a threat to brick and mortar schools” – He further adds.

The integration of e-learning in the education system has enabled study on the go for students and has taken the connectivity & exchange of resources to the next level. Students can now access quality education from the remotest corner of the country and they also have accessibility to x-factor courses that can level up their existing skill set.


“Lately, the role of online education has grown tremendously among the Indian education fraternity. Students & people from all age groups are now willingly participating in online study regimes; it not only saves them both time & money but also allows them the option to choose the appropriate platform based on their requirement. This online boost has also helped in increasing the popularity & awareness about skill-building courses among students & professionals. People are now opting for study regimes like Entrepreneurial training, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning from a very nascent stage in their life” – comments Mr. Pavan Allena, Founder & CEO of MetamorphosisEdu on the rise of Online Education in India.


“The future seems to be a merry integration between the traditional educational institutions & Online platforms as it will not only provide a new dimension to students but also enhances connectivity and substance”- he further adds.


The future beholds a merry fusion between the traditional and online educational platforms and it’s hard to say that one can dominate the other. Co- existence of the two streams will help in bringing a welcome change in the Indian educational regimes and the biggest beneficiaries will be the students as they can now have a 360 degree approach to their study module.


“There comes a point in every field that the entire system gets pushed into a new reality because there is no other way left. Education saw that point when COVID 19 hit the world. The acceptance and usage of Edtech today is, as if we never knew any other way at all. Today everyone, in whatever capacity one can, is giving their best in combining education and technology. Both learners and teachers are learning new ways of education. However, the real challenge would be to marry the old methodologies and the new reality when we go back to a normal world. Teachers would be expected to learn new skills and implement them in the blended classrooms. Suraasa, a teacher education portal, helps teachers in embracing the new reality by providing future ready teacher skill programs that are an amalgamation of classical educational models with practical 21st century implementation using technology enabled  in-class strategies. The entire team is working towards giving a smooth transition to teachers, while they welcome their learners back to the classrooms. We believe that teachers, not robots, will lead the future of education and we are ready to empower them to lead the change.” –  says Mr. Rishabh Khanna, Cognitive Scientist and Founder of Suraasa on the growth of the Edtech scenario in India.


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