The Campaign Diary : Gopal Gandhi’s comments on the CBI


Gopal Gandhi comment on cbi{Arun Jaitley**}

Gopal Gandhi’s comments on the CBI

The former West Bengal’s Governor deserves to be complimented for his comments on the Central Bureau of Investigation. Shri Gopal Gandhi was invited to deliver the D.P. Kohli Memorial lecture which is annually organized by the CBI. After analyzing the statutory scheme of functioning of the CBI, Mr. Gandhi linked the CBI to the dirty tricks department of the Government. This should shake the conscious of the officials of the CBI.

The agency has suffered a credibility gap in the past ten years. The CBI as an organization is substantially controlled by its directors. The directors were chosen by the Government and not by any balanced collegiums. These directors were controlled not only by the government, but even by key functionaries of the ruling party. There were several cases in which persons close to the government had to be helped. Similarly, there were cases where persons opposed to the government had to be victimized. Some of the charge sheets filed against the BJP in Rajasthan and Gujarat are unsustainable. Delhi is full of rumours these days about the disclosers made by a prominent businessman who acted as a front for many politicians and officials. These are further likely to erode the credibility of CBI since prominent names connected with the CBI are also mentioned in this regard. A full public disclosure of this information is now necessary. Everybody must be honest. Certainly the CBI officials must be more honest than the others.

The Modi Campaign

Narendra Modi was declared as BJP’s prime ministerial candidate on 13th September, 2013. Since then, he has singularly addressed 380 rallies in the country. Most of these rallies have been attended by several lakhs of people. I had initially thought that fatigue would set in after an initial enthusiasm. That does not seem to be happening. Additionally, there have been at least 300 rallies in the 3D format which he has already addressed. Another 300 are likely to be addressed by him. I do not remember if any single individual has undertaken personal campaign of this magnitude in the recent history.

The Drug Menace

Yesterday, I was addressing a public meeting at Rajasansi. The loudest cheer was reserved for a comment made against the drug addiction in the state. Enthusiastic applause came from that section of the audiences where a large number of women were seated. This explains it all. Drugs are not grown in Punjab. Narcotics are smuggled from across the border. Some indigenous drugs are cultivated in Rajasthan are also made available. There is no solution to this problem except strictest of enforcement. All drug availability must be cut out at its very source. The borders have to be completely sealed to make it impossible for anyone to smuggle drugs in the state. Even in interstate travel from other states, strict enforcement has to be undertaken. This may involve harassment of some but that is unavoidable. Narco6+ terrorism is the new form of insurgency. It should be dealt accordingly.

images30111111111**Arun Jaitley
Leader of Opposition (Rajya Sabha )
*Disclaimer: The writer is a freelance journalist and the views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC.


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