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Tag: chief minister virbhadra singh

I will personally monitor the progress work : Virbhadra Singh

INVC NEWSShimla, Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today reviewed the progress of Theog-Kharapathar-Hatkoti (TKH) road after he performed the foundation stone laying ceremony of parking cum...

Virbhadra Singh pays floral tributes to former Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi

INVC NEWS Shimla, Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh paid floral tributes to former Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi at Sadhbhawana Chowk at Chhota Shimla here today on...

Government to rehabilitate flood affected families of Baggi in Mandi district : ...

INVC NEWS Shimla, The State Government would provide land to rehabilitate the flash floods affected families of Baggi in Mandi district and the new Panchayat Bhawan,...

Hamirpur district will continue to get priority in development : Virbhadra Singh

INVC NEWS Shimla, Chief Minister Shri Virbhadra Singh said that entire State had witnessed speedy development during last two years and it was being ensured that...

Central university will have one campus : Virbhadra Singh

INVC NEWS Shimla, The issue regarding setting up the Central University in district Kangra was so much politicized by few in opposition that the fate of...

CM Virbhadr releases book of Keshav Ram Sharma

INVC NEWS Shimla Chief Minister Shri Virbhadra Singh today released ‘Sanskrit Mahakavya’ titled ‘Himachal Vaibhamam’ authored by President Awardee Prof. Keshav Ram Sharma from Solan.Chief Minister...

The State Government would set up the State Judicial Academy in the outskirts of...

INVC, Delhi, Chief Minister Shri Virbhadra Singh said that the State Government would set up the State Judicial Academy in the outskirts of Shimla city. He...

The recent high level meeting the GoI for extending the Industrial package : Kewal...

INVC,, Shimla,, The State Government's decision to strictly implement the provision of providing employment to 70 percent Himachali’s in the industrial units and other various projects...

वीरभद्र ने ‘इन्वायरनमेंटल प्लानिंग एण्ड मैनेजमेंट इन द हिमालयन सिटी’ का विमोचन किया

आई एन वी सी,, शिमला,, मुख्यमंत्री श्री वीरभद्र सिंह ने आज यहां डॉ. देवेन्द्र पिरटा द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक ‘इन्वायरनमेंटल प्लानिंग एण्ड मैनेजमेंट इन द हिमालयन सिटी’...

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