Chief Minister Dr RamanSingh today released the book- ‘India’s Defence and National Security’ authoredby Ex-Governor and Ex-Senior Officer of Indian Administration Service (IAS) MrShekhar Dutt. The programme was organized by Confederation of Indian Industry(CII). Chief Minister congratulated Mr Dutt on the occasion. In his address tothe programme, Dr Raman Singh said that this book is the extract of Mr Dutt’srich experience of India’s internal and external security. Naxalism andterrorism is a big challenge for internal security of India. As IAS Officer, MrDutt has served in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. He has also been intoservice of Central Government and held the post of Governor of Chhattisgarh fornearly four years. Before his selection in IAS, Mr Dutt started his career asan officer in Indian Army. Mr Dutt has vast knowledge about literature,philosophy, yoga, agriculture and other wide array of subjects. He has authoredseveral important books. He has also held the post of Defence ProductionSecretary of India. In this book, Mr Dutt has thrown light upon the challengesfor internal and external security of nation. On the occasion, Mr Shekhar Duttgave details about the subject matter of his book. He said that it was hisdesire to get this book released in Chhattisgarh, because he has specialemotion connection with this state and he is also very impressed with ChiefMinister of Chhattisgarh. At the onset, Ex-State Election Commissioner DrSusheel Trivedi gave analytical information about the book. Senior JournalitsSunil Kumar also addressed the gathering. On the occasion, many senior officersof government-administration and a large number of prominent citizens were alsopresent.
Home literature world Books Shekhar Dutt’s book is the extract of Dutt’srich experience of India’s internal...