Rs. 260 crore Released for Coastal Security Scheme



In depth analysis and critical review of the coastal security was carried out at different levels in the Government after 26/11 Mumbai incident. In this context, many important decisions have been taken including the proposal to take up Coastal Security Scheme (Phase-II). An extensive exercise had been carried out by the Coast Guard in consultation with all the coastal States and Union Territories for further strengthening of coastal security requirements. The proposal is under examination in the Government. This proposal for Coastal Security Scheme (Phase-II) includes construction of new coastal police stations, jetties, procurement of motor boats, vehicles, and other related support system. After obtaining final approval of the competent authority, the implementation of the Coastal Security Scheme (Phase-II) would be carried out.

The present Coastal Security Scheme is under implementation in nine coastal States including Gujarat and four Union Territories. The detailed information regarding coastal police stations sanctioned,



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