New Delhi,
REC Foundation, the CSR arm of the Navratna Central Govt. PSU REC Limited, signed a memorandum
with Christian Medical College, Vellore extending CSR support of Rs.10 crore on Program for control of Sickle cell diseases and Thalassemia in 15 districts of Odisha. The project is aimed at reducing the burden of disease due to major hemoglobin disorder in the people, increasing awareness on Major Hemoglobin Diseases (MHD), its genetic transmission and options for preventing. The program will also provide training to healthcare workers namely doctors, laboratory technicians, ANMs, ASHAs and their supervisors for improving diagnosis, treatment and counseling of MHD. In two years’ time, it aims to cover 15 to 20 lakh persons.

The agreement was signed on 29th November 2019 between Shri S N Srinivas, CEO, REC Foundation and Dr. J V Peter, Director, CMC, Vellore in presence of Shri Ajeet Kumar Agarwal, CMD, REC and Shri Ajoy Choudhury, ED Finance & CSR, REC Limited.