India Posts celebrating Postal Week has announced special offer on 10gms gold coins. Buyers of 10 gms gold coins will get half gram gold coin free. Buy more get more is the motto. Offer is valid up to 31st December, 2010.
So far 624 post offices were selling the gold coins in the country. Now the number of post offices has been enhanced to 700 covering North East, Jammu &Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. With this the availability of gold coins through Post Offices has been ensured throughout the country.
India Posts has also soft launched the Print to Post Services in Delhi with state of art printing technology. On PPP model, three printing and two inserting machines have been installed. While printing machines will print the UID letters, inserting machine will put them into envelops and then these will be posted to the concerned individuals.
Postal network of 1,55,333 Post Offices across the country is emerging as a very relevant institution at village level by offering a range of services through Post Offices. The Postal Week celebrations that began on 9th October end today.