These plants that keep mosquitoes away from home
Although the menace of mosquitoes is highest in the rainy season, but even in summers, mosquitoes increase considerably in the morning and evening. You must have also felt that during the summer days, so many mosquitoes come in the evening in the park or in the balcony of the house that it becomes difficult to sit. Diseases like Dengue, Malaria, Chikengunia and now even Zika Virus are also caused by mosquito bites. That’s why it is very important that you keep yourself as well as your family members safe from mosquitoes.
Plant these plants at home and keep mosquitoes away
By the way, sprays, creams and liquid repellents containing many types of chemicals are available in the market to avoid mosquitoes. But all these can have side effects. That’s why it is better that we adopt some natural way to avoid mosquitoes and one such way is plants. Yes, we are talking about plants that can act as a natural mosquito repellent.
Marigold Plant
Marigold does not bloom in any particular season but blooms throughout the year. The pungent aroma of this flower is a trouble for mosquitoes. This is the reason why mosquitoes stay away from this plant. If you plant a marigold plant in your house, the beauty of the house will not only increase, but mosquitoes will also stay away. If you want, keep the pot of marigold plant at the entrance of the house so that mosquitoes cannot enter the house.
Lavender Plant
You will be surprised to know, but not only mosquitoes, but also no insects or animals like rabbits, do not go near the lavender plant. The reason for this is that due to the essential oil found in the leaves of the lavender plant, it emits a strong aroma which reduces the ability of mosquitoes to smell. This plant does not require much water and it does not spoil for a long time.
Rosemary Plant
Another natural mosquito repellent plant is Rosemary, which is also known as Rosemary. A special kind of wood-like smell comes from this plant which helps in keeping away mosquitoes as well as flies and many other insects. Rosemary plant is also considered best in terms of decoration.
Catnip Plant
Catnip plant, which is also known as Catmint at many places, is a plant of the mint family which grows easily anywhere. In a study conducted at Iowa State University, USA, it was found that catmint plant is 10 times more effective than DEET in protecting against mosquitoes. DEET is the chemical that is used in mosquito repellants.
Basil and Mint
Basil plant can also help in keeping mosquitoes away from the house. The strong and pungent fragrance of Tulsi leaves also helps in keeping mosquitoes and insects away. Apart from this, mint plant also keeps mosquitoes, flies and ants away from the house.
Neem plant
Planting neem plant is very beneficial to remove mosquitoes, flies and other types of insects. If you have a garden in your house, then you can plant a neem tree there, because of this mosquitoes will not wander there at all.
Citronella plant
Let us tell you that you can use Citranella plant to avoid mosquitoes. Mosquitoes run away from its fragrance. Please tell that this plant is also used in making mosquito repellent cream.