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Collaborative governance set to take centre stage at 4th Smart Cities India 2018 expo

Expo will focus on harnessing digital technology and intelligent design to create resilient, inclusive and sustainable cities with high-quality living at Pragati Maidan, New...

BBMB announced its performance indicator for year 2017-2018

INVC NEWSNew Delhi,a)POWERGENERATION:Ø BBMB crossed the Generation target of 9360 million units fixed by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) for the year 2017-18 on...

Increasing Relevance of Hydroponics

- Vignesh V. J -      Among technologies that can potentially influence the future of agriculture and seed industry, hydroponics is one of the most exciting....

Maa Narmada Mahotsav – A gratitude to lifeline

- Jigar Khunt -Words of Narmada or Ganga bring images of entire life to our minds. As rivers, they reflect flow of life too....

The real life ‘Phunsukh Wangdu of 3 Idiots’ – Sonam Wangchuk visits Gurgaon

INVC NEWSNew Delhi ,The real life’ Phunsukh Wangdu of 3 Idiots’ visited Gurgaon at Ridge Valley School for an Inspirational Talk. He interacted with...

Tanzania is one of the most important countries in Africa in so far as...

INVC NEWS New Delhi, The Fourth Session of the India-Tanzania Joint Trade Committee meeting was held in New Delhi, on 29th September, 2017. The Indian delegation...

Job creation: a priority of government in Independent India

- K R Sudhaman -Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi often used to say that India lived in its six lakh villages spread over...

India’s Atomic Energy Programme

- Dr. M.R. Srinivasan - India entered the atomic age, more correctly the nuclear age, on 4th August 1956 when Apsara, India’s first nuclear reactor,...

NDMC to include more services

INVC NEWS New Delhi, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has been asked by the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs to ensure completion of smart city...

India’s Major Drive Towards Clean Energy

- Anupama Airy  -Ramping up its renewable and nuclear energy programmes tremendously over the past three years reflects the government’s commitment to prioritise the...

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