No Change in the Price of Medicines of 59900 Packs in a Year – ORG-IMS Survey



The functioning of NPPA is reviewed on regular basis in accordance with the provisions of Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 (DPCO, 1995) and through the periodical reports and returns received from the authority and also through the review meetings taken by the competent authority in the Department.

NPPA, as a part of price monitoring activity, regularly examines the movement in prices of non-scheduled formulations. The monthly reports of ORG IMS and the information furnished by individual manufacturers are utilized for the purpose of monitoring prices of non-scheduled formulations. Wherever a price increase beyond 10% per annum (20% before 01.04.2007) is noticed, the manufacturer is asked to bring down the price voluntarily failing which, subject to prescribed conditions action is initiated under paragraph 10(b) of the DPCO, 1995 for fixing the price of the formulation in public interest. This is an on going process.

As per the ORG-IMS monthly SSA Report for the month of April, 2010 (covering preceding 12 months period), there is no change in prices of medicines in case of 59900 packs (99.85%), out of total 59989 packs covered. Enforcement Division of NPPA regularly purchases samples to detect overcharging in scheduled formulations.

This information was given by the The functioning of NPPA is reviewed on regular basis in accordance with the provisions of Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 (DPCO, 1995) and through the periodical reports and returns received from the authority and also through the review meetings taken by the competent authority in the Department.

NPPA, as a part of price monitoring activity, regularly examines the movement in prices of non-scheduled formulations. The monthly reports of ORG IMS and the information furnished by individual manufacturers are utilized for the purpose of monitoring prices of non-scheduled formulations. Wherever a price increase beyond 10% per annum (20% before 01.04.2007) is noticed, the manufacturer is asked to bring down the price voluntarily failing which, subject to prescribed conditions action is initiated under paragraph 10(b) of the DPCO, 1995 for fixing the price of the formulation in public interest. This is an on going process.

As per the ORG-IMS monthly SSA Report for the month of April, 2010 (covering preceding 12 months period), there is no change in prices of medicines in case of 59900 packs (99.85%), out of total 59989 packs covered. Enforcement Division of NPPA regularly purchases samples to detect overcharging in scheduled formulations.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers Shri Srikant Kumar Jena.



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