Launches a Poetry Film on World Environment Day
Nestlé India in collaboration with Stree Mukti Sanghatana and RECITY have released a poetry film, ‘Let’s imagine a healed world’ as part of Project HILLDAARI this World Environment Day. The poem recited by Anamika Joshi, a popular spoken word performance artist, urges people to collectively imagine a cleaner environment that helps biodiversity flourish, similar to what we are experience these days during the lockdown. Through its lyrics, the poem motivates people to recalibrate their actions to ignite hope for a newer and a healed world.
Commenting on this unique initiative, Mr. Sanjay Khajuria, Director – Corporate Affairs, Nestlé India said, ‘’During the pandemic, Nestlé India through its Project Hilldaari and in collaboration with local stakeholders has reached out to waste professionals in the select tourist towns of India and enabled them to face the crisis by providing essentials, creating awareness and equipping them with safety gears. On the occasion of World Environment Day, the HILLDAARI poetry film also encourages collective efforts for a better tomorrow and resonates the need for respecting the environment.’’
Adding to this, popular spoken word performance artist, Ms. Anamika Joshi, said, “Art has the power to change the world and given the current situation, the world is in dire need of a positive change. This poetry film aims to bring hope amidst the current challenging times along with a sense of reflection to pause and think for a better tomorrow. It highlights the power of imagination and empathy in changing the world.’’
HILLDAARI is an initiative supported by Nestlé India to develop inclusive, contextualised and resilient models for solid and plastic waste management, in the tourist cities of the country. It is currently being implemented in Mussoorie, Nainital and Dalhousie by Stree Mukti Sanghatana, with Recity Network Private Limited as the technical partner. The initiative is progressively working towards professionalizing 220 waste collectors and informal waste pickers towards segregation of waste at source through a multi-collaborative approach with municipal councils, citizens, contractors, waste workers and influencers.
The poetry film will be available across multiple platforms online
मेरी कल्पना की दुनिया में
सूरज आसमान में लिखी कविता की पहली पंक्ति है
चिड़ियों की चहचहाहट संगीत का पहला सुर है
ज़मीन पर घास का फूटना है किसी पेंटिंग का पहला रंग
मेरी कल्पना की दुनिया में
पेड़ को पेड़ होने के लिए
हमें छाँव देना ज़रूरी नहीं
इनसान को इन्सान माने जाने के लिए
हमारे काम आने की शर्त नहीं
मेरी कल्पना की दुनिया में
हवा में घुली रहती है गुड़ की मिठास
और चमकदार नदियों में तैरता है सूरज का अक्स
मेरी कल्पना की दुनिया में
हवा, नदी, पहाड़, जंगल, आसमान के नीलेपन और आदमी की मुस्कान
सबक़ो चखा जाता है
बचाना नहीं पड़ता
पिछले कुछ दिनों से अपने घर में बंद
मैनें पाया है कि यथार्थ निरा झूठ है
मेरी कल्पना की दुनिया सच्ची है
तुम भी घर में बंद होगे
‘खुलोगे’ तो कहाँ जाओगे?
चलो न मेरे साथ
मेरी कल्पना की दुनिया में।
In the world of my imagination
The first ray of the sun is the first line of a poem
The voice of the cuckoo is the first note of music
Blooming grass is the first stroke of color
In the world of my imagination
A tree is a tree is a tree
Even if it does not bear fruit
A man is a man is a man
Without the condition of being ‘useful’
In the world of my imagination
The wind is a stream of sweet fragrance
And the river is a reflection of the skies
In the world of my imagination
Tall trees, graceful mountains, unconfined rivers, blue skies
and smiling human beings
All are loved
Without having to be saved
Locked in my house
I have realised that reality is a myth
My imagination is real
Locked in the real world?
You have the key
Just dive with me
Into the world of my imagination