Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister said that public awareness was essential to protect environment and irrational use of natural resources. He was inaugurating a three-day long conference on Himalayan Environment Issues and Challenges organised by the Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies (IIHS), Himachal Pradesh University Shimla and Mountain Forum Himalayan here today.
Chief Minister stressed the need for preserving rich cultural heritage of the country. He said that rapid growth in population and its dependence on forest had resulted deforestation and soil erosion endangering environment and destablishing eco-system. He said that State Government had launched different afforestation schemes including ‘Pipal Bargad’ and re-juvenation of ‘Deodar’ trees. He said that society should endeavour to bring more area under forest cover. He said that continuous loss of bio-diversity and the destruction of forests were alarming to Himalayan Region. He said that combating climate change and environment problem was not only an ecological necessity but also an opportunity for sustainable development. He said that time has come to adopt age old tradition and guide the people on a path of ecologically sustainable development. He urged the scientists to undertake their research work to the field so that people at grass root level were benefitted at large.
Prof. Dhumal said that excess harvesting of natural resources had caused danger to sustain environment. He said that speedy melting of glaciers and change in climate had posed threat to Himalayan region.
He said that State Government had imposed complete ban on use of plastic and added that with cooperation of the people this campaign had been a success and appreciated by all throughout the country. He said that Government endeavour was to stop use of all product packed in plastic by October this year. He said that special efforts were being made to make the State carbon neutral.
He said that State Government had prepared a Rs. 372 crore ambitious project to promote diversification of crops with special focus on organic farming and water harvesting to encourage farmersto adopt organic farming.
Chief Minister also released news bulletin published by Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies and three different books ‘Himachal Pradesh Ki Lok Gathayen’ written by Dr. Bhawani Singh, ‘Ramayniya Amritbinndu’ by Prof. Vidya Sharda and ‘Culture Ecology Interface’ by Dr. Pankaj Gupta.
He hoped that the deliberations during the conference would bring valuable suggestions which would help the State in conserving environment.
Prof. Sunil Gupta, Vice-Chancellor, Himachal Pradesh University, speaking on the occasion, said that IIHS was striving hard to serve the people of Himalayan Region through its integrated and comprehensive research programmes and extension services.
Prof. S.P. Bansal, Director of IIHS welcomed the Chief Guest and detailed out various activities of the Institute.
Prof. Smt. Vidya Sharda, Conference Coordinator resented vote of thanks.
Dr. Vandana Shiva, eminent environmentalist delivered her key note address in the seminar.
[…] Need of public awareness to protect environ stressed … […]