Mag for the Teens by the Teens ‘Just So Rad’ – launched today will focus on teen talent & brilliance


DSC_0029Kulbir Singh Kalsi,
Teen minds are no longer the same as they used to be a couple of decades ago. They are much more mature, aware and brimming with talent. This is what a group of enthusiastic teens from the tri city are wanting to showcase through their magazine ‘Just So Rad’ for and by the teens launched at Chandigarh Club today. The first hard copy edition of the magazine running into 70 odd pages, which is also available online, was released before the media, but its subsequent editions will be available only online and the pages will increase to 100 odd.

Spelling out her vision of the magazine its motivator Inayat Guram, a 17-year-old class 12 Commerce student of Carmel Convent School who was accompanied by the rest of the team, said “the magazine is an attempt by us group of teenagers to air the psychology and ideology of the youth and give recognition to the talent amongst our age group. We believe that any potential youth who has the ability of looking at the world from a different perspective and showcases his dreams through his art and skill deserves to be noticed so that ultimately he gets enthusiastic about his beliefs.”

The team felt that being young and full of spirit is not easy since the teen is going through a lot of turmoil in the mind. Leaping from adolescence to adulthood one has a tendency of losing his mind through confusion, and so our sole purpose is to provide quality content to these teens, which is written “BY THE YOUTH AND FOR THE YOUTH!” to give them their dose of positivity. Our content has been designed from the point of view of how the youth perceives the world.

All in all the spirit of “Just So Rad” is a thought of connecting to readers who are visionaries, who believe in crazy ideas that are crazy enough to change the world and at the same time “Rad” (Canadian slang for Cool) enough to enjoy their lives.

Q&A with Inayat Guram

1.Who are the main teenagers behind the idea?

Inayat Guram, who will be running the magazine, and the team comprises of Mallika Vadhera, Rehmat Brar, Arpan Vadhera, Gurpreet Bhatti and Gursahiba Gill.

2. What inspired you to come out with this magazine? Have you taken a leaf out of some similar foreign magazine?

No, it was an original idea. I wanted to promote the talent among youth and wanted to show everyone that being a doctor or engineer aren’t the only options you have.

3. Any mentor?

Not really, though my dad has guided me at every step

4. Why the title of the magazine?

‘Just So Rad’ is something that came to my mind very randomly. I was sitting with my friends and suddenly it came to my mind and we decided the name.

5. What will be its periodicity? What will be the main sections of the magazine?

It will mainly be an online magazine but depending on the response we might even bring out the hard copy.

6. What will be the content like?

The talented people we interview.

7. How many pages?

For the first edition the pages are 70, but further the standard size will be 100 pages.

8. What kind of expenditure is involved? How do you plan to generate funds to meet the expenses ?

I plan to cover my costs through advertising but my main aim is to reach out to the youth.


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