International Literacy celebrated Chandigarh




In an effort to promote education for all, Adult Education Department, U.T Chandigarh celebrated International Literacy day today at GMSSS-10 with gaiety and fervor. UT Home Secretary, Sh. Anil Kumar,IAS was the chief guest of the occasion.

Addressing the gathering and highlighted the importance  of education in our lives Mr. Anil Kumar said that education is not a product but a never-ending process. He appreciated the efforts of the teachers in the process. He said that although the centers are working well but the aim should be to increase the numbers of students in the program and to double it till next year.

The main objective of the program was to create awareness and motivation for Adult Education and to boost the morale and confidence in the learners. Adult Education Unit imparts academic and vocational guidance to learners of the age group 15-35 years from weaker sections of society in around 300 Continuing Education Centers under the ‘Continuing Education and Income Generating Programs’ of National Literacy Mission.

Prize winners of various competitions were awarded.  Various items were performed by students of GSSS,Dhanas and GMSSS-19. In the end Director Adult Education Department gave the vote of thanks. The celebrations culminated with the recital of national anthem.  D.P.I (Schools) Mr. Upkaar Singh, PCS also graced the occasion.


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