If you can’t be the sun then please be the lamp


Emperor Huan Xi of China was fond of reading. His library and bedroom were filled with books from all over the world. He used to spend most of his time in reading.

One day the emperor told his minister Shan Chi, “I am now seventy years old. But the desire to read does not go away. But it seems that now at this age I will not be able to devote much time to books.

The minister replied, “Rajan, you are the sun of this country. The governance of the country has been running successfully due to the light of your knowledge. If you don’t want to be the sun, please become a lamp.

The emperor felt that the minister had lowered him from his level by asking the sun to become a lamp. He said in an angry tone, “Shan Chi, I am saying this in a serious way and you are taking it as a joke. I was looking for your guidance.

Shan Chi folded her hands and said, “You probably didn’t understand me very well. When a teenager or youth is studying, his future is like the sun, in which immense possibilities are hidden. In adulthood, this sun becomes like a lamp.

The lamp does not have as much light as the sun, yet its light keeps one from wandering by showing light in the dark. Similarly, don’t give up your interest in reading and keep your mind in it.” The emperor understood the matter. PLC/GT


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