New Delhi,,
Hands-free communication is essential while on the move whether it is from a hotel, airport, or car. I-Tech, the leading innovative wireless mobile solutions provider, headquartered in Hong Kong, has announced the launch of its new range of revolutionary Bluetooth products and devices for the Indian markets. The company has introduced 15 Bluetooth devices for the Indian market with the entry price point of Rs.1149 to Rs.6499. The range of products includes the new age Bluetooth devices-Solar Voice 908, Solar Charger 906, Clip D-Radio. Ingram Micro is the national distributor of the products in India. The products are designed for use in a variety of environments, the solar –powered Bluetooth headset lets its users go green while maintaining their productivity and listening to their favorite tunes.
Present at the press conference in the capital, Mr. Rajat Bal, General Manager EMEA (Europe, Middle east & Africa), International Business -I-Tech & Mr.Johnnes Tam (Deputy Managing Director – I-Tech), Mr. Ravinderjit Singh (Product Manager- Ingram Micro), Mr. Govind Prasanna Kumar (Deputy General Manager- Ingram Micro), Mr. Atul Gaur (Director – Ingram Micro) unveiled the product line. While addressing the media Mr. Rajat Bal said “Deploying innovative design, cutting-edge technological know-how and superior manufacturing capabilities, i.Tech combines form and performance to create compelling products that offer powerful functionality yet are easy to use, easy on the eye and easy on the pocket. The Indian market provides us a lot of opportunities keeping in mind the number of mobile users in the country.”
I-Tech Dynamic Ltd. specializes in the design, marketing and sales of mobile telecommunications accessories. Since its inception in 2002, the company has established a reputation for developing products with sleek designs and enhanced value. Dedicated to innovation, and supported with advanced manufacturing and research facilities, i.Tech delivers wireless accessories for telecoommuni as well as electronic products that have made the company a market leader in the Asia-Pacific region..

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