Home Secretary to Meet Chief Secretaries of Nagaland and Manipur Tomorrow to Discuss Steps to Keep Nh-39 Open



The Union Secretary, Shri G.K.Pillai has invited the Chief Secretaries of Nagaland and Manipur for an emergency meeting here tomorrow to discuss the steps to be taken by the two State Governments to keep NH-39 open. The current blockade on NH-39 is a matter of serious concern to the Central Government. The Union Home Minister, Shri P. Chidambaram has already spoken to the Chief Ministers of Nagaland and Manipur to take necessary steps to have the blockade withdrawn. At the request of the Government of Manipur, the Ministry of Home Affairs has decided to shortly deploy additional para-military forces on NH-39 to remove the blockade and keep the highway open for unhindered movement of traffic and goods.

Since the blockade began, the following steps have been taken for ensuring supplies to Manipur.

1. Two consignments of life saving drugs reached Imphal on May 18, 2010 and additional consignment of life saving drugs weighing 4 MT was airlifted by IAF aircraft on the same day. Between May 17 and May 23, 2010, 492.52 quintals of PDS rice was airlifted from FCI, Guwahati by AN 32 aircraft of Indian Air Force.

2. Transportation of essential commodities via NH-53 escorted by State Police has started since May 21, 2010. More than 1000 trucks/tankers with essential commodities such as petroleum products, rice, etc. have reached Manipur through this route. An IL-76 aircraft carried 32 kilo ltrs of kerosene oil on May 21, 2010 and 48 kilo ltrs of HSD on May 22, 2010.

3. Essential commodities are also being transported to Manipur through NH 150 with the assistance of the Government of Mizoram. Between May 16 and June 07, 180 goods vehicles and 37 POL tankers reached Manipur through this route.

In addition, supplies of essential goods to the Hill Districts of Manipur have been arranged by the District Administration and Naga Civil Society Groups.



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