Criticism of New Road Transport & Safety Bill Not Founded on Reasoning : Nitin Gadkari


Nitin GadkariINVC NEWS
New Delhi,
“The criticism of the new Road Transport and Safety Bill 2015, in a section of stakeholders, is not founded on reasoning”, said Minister of Road Transport & Highways and Shipping Shri Nitin Gadkari while addressing the inaugural session of the National Convention of Transporters here today. The Bill ensures to adopt those standards and practices which provide safety on roads, development of better services to road-users and generation of more employment, he added.

Shri Nitin Gadkari said that the new Bill does not violate the rights of the states. As regards Inter-State contract carriage permits, these are envisaged to be issued by the National Transport Authority and the revenues due to each state would be transferred to concerned state on the analogy of National Permit System for goods carriers. The Minister also said the quantum of fines in the case of law offenders has been brought down from the amount in the earlier draft in view of the paying capacity of the people, except in cases of very serious offence.

Shri Gadkari, underscoring the urgency to make transport sector more modernized and investment friendly, urged the transporters to take initiatives to develop state-of-the-art facilities for improving driving skill along with pollution certification and fitness test of vehicles. He drew the attention of transporters towards the immediate requirement of establishing Transport Nagar and Highway Villages at different locations to cater to the needs of drivers on long routes. To recognise the contribution of drivers, at least three drivers from each state should be honoured every year, he said. Addressing the concern of the transporters in respect of road toll, the Minister said that abolition of toll is not possible though relaxation in this regard may be considered. He assured that a change in the Carriage by Road Act is also under active consideration of the Government.


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