– Dr. Madhu Kotiya –
We all have our irrational fears but it seems we are not alone. The stars know better! it seems like it is all part of our collective consciousness.
The Fire element is one of, ingenuity, instinct, and big passions. Fiery guys and girls are excitable, impulsive, and love to light a fire under others. Like the fire itself, fire signs tend to be dynamic and temperamental. They are quite intense in nature. They reflect a very strong personality and have a direct approach ,but do have a negative aspect of them that is dominating. The Fire signs include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
These signs also rules the, fifth and ninth houses. They are ardent and sometimes larger than life. … A Fire sign is also an indicator of creativity. From a spiritual perspective Fire represents our passions, compulsion, zeal, creativity, and motivation.
These signs are not a caged people as they are free- spirited. They like to be the centre of attention, although the reason can vary. They generally prefer to get things done quickly and on there own terms, but sometimes this spontaneity leads them in too risky situtauons. They believe one of their weaknesses is showing their true emotions, therefore tend to mask them with there tough attitude. They have a six sense for detecting opportunities in life and pounce on them to make most of it.
FIRE SIGNS HAVE FEAR OF BEING FORGOTTEN: Fear of being forgotten or ignored and fear of forgetting is called athazagoraphobia. People having this phobia often experience panic attacks whenever they are left alone, which is a common reaction seen in those who are suffering from social anxiety. Athazagoraphobia lead towards Depression, because when people become seriously autophobic, they start to find certain tasks and activities almost impossible to complete. Usually it happens when autophobes find difficulty in going to public places where there are lots of people or simply a place that is uncomfortable or unfamiliar to them. It is generally accepted that phobias arise mostly because of external events (i.e. Ruinous events) and internal proneness (i.e. heredity or genetics). Many specific phobias can be traced back to a specific triggering event, usually a devastating experience at an early age. According to the research the life-experiences, heredity and genetics play a major role in the development of phobias.
The symptoms of Athazagora phobia vary by person depending on their level of fear. Traits of this phobia include, breathlessness or shallow rapid breathing
, feelin of being choked, Nausea, dry mouth, inability to articulate words or sentences, fainting situation, extreme anxiety, fear and anything associated with panic such as trembling.
It is also important to note that medicines are not the cure of phobias, they can only temporarily suppress the systems. However, there are treatments for curing phobias, which include psychotherapy, and Neuro-Linguistic programming.
People born under the earth signs of taurus, virgo and capricorn are often described as responsible and reliable, a ‘safe pair of hands’, people who can be trusted to get a job done with full focus on the aim and by whatever else is going on or whoever happens to come along.
Earth sign people are often described as sensual in that they take the time to appreciate life through all the physical senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.
Among the main attributes of earth signs are that they tend to be secure, reliable, low-risk attitudes, i.e. they always follow the slow but to be sure way to build material security. In short, earth signs can become so focussed on immediate tasks and goals that they don’t fully appreciate the wider aspects of life, including both the opportunities and the other people around them.
Earth Signs have FEAR OF FAILURE.
Normal amount of doubt regarding success in certain project, relationships or examinations is usually present in most people. However, when the fear of failure takes on an extreme form then it is termed as Atychiphobia.
Individuals coping with Atychiphobia mainly fear failure because they lack confidence in their abilities. Some experience extreme fear of failure because of the ridicule one might face owing to the failure. Likewise, some suffer from Atychiphobia due to the fear of risk taking. Individuals coping with Atychiphobia often have rigid or unrealistic expectations and/or excessive standards of behavior.
Atychiphobia is often linked to distressing or embarrassing events in one’s past. Strict or overly demanding parents or demeaning siblings or friends can also lead a child to suffer extreme fear of failure. Minor failures in one’s childhood can cause embarrassment or ridicule. These lead to negative thoughts when undertaking other challenges. The fear of failure continues to grow and adds up as one matures. Add to this the fact that our cultures and societies lay certain expectations regarding looks, relationships, education and in general preset definitions and norms of failures and success. Atychiphobia can severely affect the quality of life of the person suffering from it. One might even go to great lengths to avoid things that are unlikely to have a favorable ending.
Many coping with the fear of failure phobia give up trying completely especially where relationships, education or job related projects are concerned. They believe in their mind that the outcome of most of these projects would be imperfect not realizing that perfection is merely an illusion. Their Atychiphobia causes these individuals to quit their jobs and end relationships to avoid the failure therein. The fear of failure can also lead the person to sabotage his/her life
The most effective treatment for the fear of failure is self motivation. Experts recommend breaking a task into smaller and manageable pieces and doing more gradually. This can help patients realize that failure does not mean the end of life rather it is crucial for the growing process.
People born under the air signs of aquarius, gemini and libra are often described as life’s ‘thinkers’ due to their tendency to analyze information. They are also highly idealistic.
It isn’t surprising that air sign people often seem to have many ideas and new and interesting perspectives about situations that others might take a ‘face value’. In some cases this can lead to successful careers in journalism of various kinds, including as commentators about fields of human activity ranging from fashion to sports, politics, economics and so on. In general, the air signs of the zodiac are also associated with excellent communication skills.
While air signs are associated with abstract and original ideas, in some cases accompanied by an idealistic passion for perfection, they also sometimes seem to ‘have their heads in the clouds’, as if detached from practical matters that others consider barriers to the implementation of some ideas or projects. In extreme cases, air signs can seem ‘out of touch’ with the ‘real world’ in terms of physical, cultural or financial situations
One of the driving forces of humanity is the pursuit of freedom. Fear of Loss of Freedom sounds like it would be the opposite of the Fear of Separation, but it actually comes from the same place. The Fear of Loss of Freedom is the dread of losing your self – government, that which makes you the real you, much like a immobilize claustrophobia from social norms and relationship expectations.
One of the most prevalent fears people have is that of losing control. This is the fear that if you don’t manage to control the outcome of future events, something terrible will happen. People who are chronic sufferers from such losing-control anxiety keep themselves continuously in a heightened state of stress with only brief, unsatisfying intermissions between fears.
The crux of the problem is the demand for certainty in a world that is always tentative and uncertain. It is precisely this unrealistic demand that creates the anxiety. You think that you must accurately predict and manage the future, not just have some probabilistic and uncertain handle on it.
People born under the water signs of scorpio, pisces and cancer are often particularly emotionally sensitive, including having high awareness of the emotions of others. They are also generally considered to be imaginative, dreamy and sometimes impulsive rather than logical.
It’s not unusual for water sign people to pursue creative careers in fields such as design, writing fiction, fine arts including painting and even using psychic skills to work with healing, or as psychic artists e.g. sketching clients’ spirit guides or guardian angels.
Due to their awareness of emotions, water signs may be caring and empathetic or skilled at emotional manipulation in various contexts e.g. in love or at work. The latter may be considered ‘negative’ by others but an ‘advantage’ by the water-sign emotional manipulator. People born under the water signs may also feel things so deeply that they tend to brood or experience mood swings
Feeling rejected hurts. It undermines your confidence and makes you doubt your worth. And whether you’ve experienced it a lot or it has only happened once or twice in your life, it can easily lead to deep anxiety about future rejection. Trapped by a horrible feeling of worthlessness, you might let your fear of rejection stop you from even trying to achieve your dreams. This in itself makes you feel worse about yourself, creating a vicious cycle of fear and low self-esteem. Sometimes, you probably feel like you’ve tried everything to feel better and just don’t seem to be improving.
However, it is possible to overcome the fear of rejection and develop a healthier level of self-confidence. Whether you’re dealing with a fear of rejection in relationships, in your career, in your friendships or simply in every part of your life, there are techniques you can use to move forward.
It is all upto us how to let these phobias effect our life but sometimes these phobias can be very crippling for those who are experiencing it and if not understand fully, we can surely show some compassion towards these people.
Dr Madhu Kotiya
Numerology, Tarot Expert
Dr Madhu Kotiya is a renowned Tarot mentor, energy Vastu expert, Numerologist, a spiritual and a psychic healer. Also,she is a channel to Arch angles and ascended masters. She has devoted her life to the mystic world of tarot since 1998 and laid the foundation of MShezaim Institute of Tarot and Divination in 2002 to promote the study of Tarot and Divination. Over the years, she has provided her services and helped many people through her psychic ability and healing powers. Some of the areas, she has worked in are depressions, addictions, fears & phobias, emotional traumas, concentration issues and relationship problems.
Equipped with a PHD in Alternative Medicines and an IT engineering degree, Dr Kotiya’s sole mission is to change people’s life for the better with her profound, in-depth psychic knowledge. She has acted as a relationship counselor to new and young couples and helped them in achieving stability in their relationships. Her followers have gained important insights and knowledge and benefits from her.
Disclaimer : The views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely her own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC NEWS.