Collectors and public representatives do jansunwai at panchayat level clusters : Vasundhara Raje


Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje has said that public representatives and administrative officers sit together to redress the public grievances. Redressal of grievances at Gram Panchayat, Sub Division and District level by public representatives and administrative officers shall provide relief to people at local level and they will not have to come to Jaipur for their grievance, she said.

Smt. Raje was addressing the members of the council of ministers, MLAs, senior officials and collector-SPs of Bharatpur, Bikaner and Udaipur divisions in the opening session of the last day of Collector-SP conference here at CMO on Saturday. She reviewed the current status of disposal of grievances which were received during the ‘Sarkar Aapke Dwar’ programme in three divisions.

The Chief Minister said grievances which could not be disposed at district level should only reach to Jaipur. She said SDOs with block level officers and MLAs do Jansunvai and review the progress of grievance redressal once in a month on 4th Friday by making clusters of Gram Panchayats. Any complainant of the concerned cluster can come to this Jansunvai. Each MLA constituency to have four clusters and the cluster wise Jansunvai programme shall be run per month on rotation wise, she said.

Smt. Raje said district collector with all MLAs and SDOs and district level officers will organise Jansunvai on every 3rd Thursday of the month. The matters pending at cluster level Jansunvai, grievances pending for long time and grievances pending before vigilance committee will be heard and reviewed during this Jansuvai.

Citing example of Bhartpur district Smt. Raje said in Bharatpur MLAs, collector and other officials sit together once in a month and hear grievances of people. This can be adopted in other district also. She laid emphasis on taking inputs from public representatives so that grievances could reach to administration properly.

The Chief Minister said innovations done in various districts shall be registered on Rajasthan Sampark Portal. This will help other districts to get benefit of these innovations, she said.

Reviewing the ‘Nyay Aapke Dwar’ campaign Smt. Raje said around 13 lakh cases pending for a long time were disposed during the campaign including mutations, correction of entries, division of holding and Gair Khatedari to Khatedari were disposed and relief provided to people. These are the routine cases and if these matters could have been disposed on time people should not have to wait for a long.

The Chief Minister directed collectors to verify the disposal of grievances received during the Sarkar Aapke Dwar campaign so that actual position of the grievances could be find out. She directed to upload the progress of varification of the grievances on Rajasthan Sampark Portal. She also directed collectors to do regular inspection and night stay so that they can get proper feedback from the area. She also asked collectors to ascertain that government employees posted in rural area do not leave headquarters on every weekend.

Special Secretary to Chief Minister Shri K. K. Pathak gave presentation on new initiatives of the state government, different levels of Jansunvai, status of various divisions regarding disposal of grievances, impacts of Sarkar Aapke Dwar programme, division wise progress of CM announcements and some other issues.


  1. Maney cm mahudy marai gaoy sheeshwara mai gali pkke kabane hai magar kakg mai bo pakke ho chuke hai esley us ke sunbay nahe hote hai us gale ko aap pakke karbanai ka kast karyi aap ke aati krpa hoge us ka pata hai. Velaig sheeshwara tahseel deeg destk bhartpur rajasthan bard na

    m. bar 3


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