BJP development roadmap – Lok Sabha elections 2024


The BJP-led government in the state faces the challenge of showcasing its performance to the public in the next three months, just before the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Beyond routine governance, the government must demonstrate the strides it has taken towards fulfilling the promises made in its manifesto and the direction it has set for fulfilling them.

New Direction for Development: With the formation of the government post-Assembly elections, the BJP has accelerated its preparations for the impending Lok Sabha polls. Setting a target to win all 29 seats in the state, the party has initiated comprehensive planning to achieve this goal. There is a concerted effort to extend the reach of central and state government welfare schemes down to the Mandal level. The government aims to communicate the implementation of its programs and party announcements directly to the citizens.

Mobilizing Booth Committees: To achieve its electoral objectives, the BJP has directed the grassroots-level workers of booth committees to engage with various sections and communities. V.D. Sharma, the BJP Pradesh President, has entrusted the responsibility of upcoming Lok Sabha elections to all office bearers and workers of these committees. This move is strategic, ensuring effective communication and outreach among diverse demographics.

Year-Round Planning: V.D. Sharma highlighted that the BJP is unique in its approach, planning its activities throughout the year, from January 1st to December 31st. Coordination will be overseen by a coordinator, ensuring that the welfare initiatives and government programs led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi are effectively communicated to the people. BJP workers and officials will engage with the public on matters such as Aadhar cards, Ayushman Bharat cards, and the Prime Minister’s housing schemes.

Immediate Action on Promises: The BJP Pradesh President affirmed that the government wasted no time in initiating actions on the promises made in the manifesto immediately after assuming office. Decision-making in the cabinet has commenced, and the party is committed to fulfilling its assurances within the stipulated time frame. The state government is working diligently to ensure that all declarations made by the party are implemented punctually.

Conclusion: As the BJP-led government gears up for the Lok Sabha elections, it is evident that a strategic plan is in place to communicate its achievements, especially those related to the development agenda. The emphasis on year-round planning, direct citizen engagement, and swift action on promises demonstrates the party’s commitment to transparent governance and fulfilling the expectations of the electorate. The upcoming months will undoubtedly witness an intense political landscape as the BJP strives to solidify its position in the state and at the national level.


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