Be a Job Provider not a Job Seeker: Experts



Aryans Group of Colleges (AGC) today organized “Entrepreneurship Sensitization Day” at CII,Chandigarh. Mr. Rakesh Sethi, ZM, Bank of India (BOI) was the chief guest. Mr. Puneet Vatsayan, President, The Indus Entrepreneur (TiE) and Mr.Dalip Sharma(PHDCCI) were the guests of Honour. Many eminent speakers/entrepreneurs including Mr.Maneet Singh, Col.B.M Sablok and Mr.Satwinder Saimbi, enlighten the students on the Entrepreneurship. The event was presided over by Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group.

Out of nearly 350 students of MBA/BBA of Aryans Group, 20 students made presentations of their business plans who intend to become entrepreneur. The officials of Bank of India appreciated the ideas of students and suggested them to make detailed business proposals for obtaining financial assistance. Out of the students who made the presentations Mr. Ravinder Vikram and Mr. Fayaz Ahmad were adjudged the winners of 1st and 2nd awards for their business ideas.

While addressing the students, Mr. Rakesh Sethi said that MBA programme attracts students to get a job with fat package but non availabilty of initial investment discourages them to start their own ventures. He also explains the students various schemes offered by the banks in India especially meant to aid young entrepreneurs. He also provided the information regarding small and medium industry finance and detail about the education loan. The education system should focus on making students job providers instead of job-seekers, he added.

Mr. Puneet Vatsayan, said that boasting of 100 per cent campus placements is not enough. Professional colleges should come out with concrete plans to build entrepreneurship qualities in students. Further Mr.Dalip Sharma emphasized the need of lifting Indian economy by making the young generation independent and self sufficient in this era of global meltdown.

Mr. Maneet Singh, while motivating the students said that they should come up with innovative ideas and should not hesitate from taking risks as life is full of possibilities. Adding some excitement to the event Col.B.M Sablok, with the help of business/management games, taught the students the various skills required to be successful entrepreneurs. Mr.Satwinder Saimbi added that there is great need of sensitizing the Indian population on management education and how it can help the youth to start up their own businesses.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Anshu Kataria said that this event was organized by the institute in order to develop and groom the potential first generation entrepreneurs and to provide them with a platform to interact with the seasoned experts from various quarters. Prof. D. C. Kataria (Vice Chairman); Dr. Parveen Kataria (Director General);Dr.D.P.Singh; Dr.Manjit Kalra; Dr. A.S.Balgir  also spoke on the occasion.


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