Armed Forces for effective Water Management



In continuing with the spirit of the World Environment Day celebrated on 05 June, a two day national level seminar addressing the issues concerning the most vital natural resource i.e. Water was organized by the Chief Engineer (Air Force ) Palam, Western Air Command. The seminar on “Water Management in Forces” held in New Delhi from 07 June 10 saw the participation of engineers of Military Engineer Services (MES) from across the nation deliberating with the experts drawn from the Ministry Of Water Resources, Central Ground Water Board(CGWB), Central Pollution Control Board, WAPCOS and civil society organizations such as INTACH, TERI, Centre for Science And Environment, FORCE and India Water Foundation .

The seminar, inaugurated by Air Marshal JN Burma, Air Officer in-charge Administration, Air HQ stressed upon the fact that the cantonments have large and unpolluted water run off areas which can be utilized gainfully in rain water harvesting. This will not only improve water situation for cantonments but the ground water levels of the adjoining cities would also get a huge lift. A sentiment echoed by Dr S C Dhiman, Member Secretary, CGWB, who promised that all out technical as well as financial help from all the state centers of CGWB would be provided to maximize gains from such an effort.

The other distinguished speakers present included Mr Anupam Mishra of Gandhi Smriti Sadan, Dr Ashok Keshari of IIT, Delhi , Dr Vinod Tare of IIT, Kanpur, Dr DD Basu Of CPCB, Mr Paritosh Tyagi, Chairman, Expert Appraisal Committee by the Ministry Of Environment & Forests, Dr S K Sharma, Ex Member, CGWB and the advisor, Ministry of Water Resources and Mr C S R Murthy, CE , Jullandher Zone of MES.

Major General Brajesh Kumar, Director General (Works), Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch brought alive the holistic approach to achieve high standards in areas of Water Conservation, Rain Water Harvesting and Sewage Treatment.

The Seminar concluded with a resolve to make all out efforts in all cantonments towards effective Rain Water Harvesting such that depleting ground water level of not only the cantonments but the adjoining cities rise to the required levels.




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