Washington, DC,,
U.S. Ambassador to Belize Vinai K. Thummalapally and Belizean Prime Minister, the Honorable Dean Barrow, signed an amendment to the Letter of Agreement implementing the Mérida Initiative (now known as the Central American Regional Security Initiative – CARSI), on August 19, 2010. This is the third signing in a multi-year regional effort to combat organized crime, gangs and the trafficking of narcotics and firearms. The signing provides $2,065,000 for the second year of the Initiative.
Under this agreement, the Government of Belize and the U.S. Government will continue to be partners in projects funded in part or fully by the U.S. Government. Mérida/CARSI funding to be used among these projects includes: Central America Finger Print System $50,000; Improved Border Inspection $65,000; Improved Policing/Police Equipment $925,000; Vetted Units $300,000; Capacity Enhancement $425,000; and Prison Management $300,000.
Representatives of the Government of the United States and the Government of Belize will meet quarterly to review qualitative and quantitative progress towards achievement of the project goals and objectives. These evaluations are in addition to the ongoing monitoring of the programs and activities conducted by each government.

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