Organ donation and transplantation at Army Hospital (R&R)


INVC Bureau

New Delhi. Two liver and four kidney transplantations were undertaken in the Army Hospital (R&R) in New Delhi, recently. With these the number of liver transplantations done at Army Hospital (R&R) has risen to 39. Two corneal transplantations were also undertaken in the hospital early this month, which has restored the eyesight of two young children.

What distinguishes the liver transplantation program at this hospital from other centres in the country is that the program is primarily based on cadaveric organ donation. The organ donation initiative in the Armed Forces is three years old and is coordinated by Armed Forces Organ Retrieval and Transplantation Authority (AORTA) in Army hospital (R&R) under the aegis of Office of the DGAFMS. A total of 87 brain deaths have been declared in this hospital. 30 of 64 (47%) families counselled for organ donation agreed, resulting in 26 multiple organ donations that have facilitated 27 liver (including one cadaveric split- liver transplantation, first of its kind in the country), 36 kidney, 2 heart, 13 heart valves and 44 corneal transplantations. A nearly 50% rate of conversion from brain death to organ donation and 26 multiple organ donations is perhaps the highest by a single institute in the country.

The success of the organ donation and transplantation program is due to the dedicated team effort by the doctors of Army Hospital (R&R) under the guidance of Commandant Lt Gen Naresh Kumar and support of the higher authorities of the Armed Forces Medical Services. But the real heroes of this initiative are the donor families whose compassion, vision and the urge to do something good for the humanity has become a shining example for the rest of the society.


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