A sensational murder case of North-West District Worked out


Rabi Dey

New Delhi. A team of officers of Special Cell under the supervision of Sh. Ravi Shanker, ACP led by Inspector Pankaj Sood have worked out a sensational murder of a Property dealer Jagbir Singh  in the area PS. Bawana and arrested two persons namely 1) Harvinder Singh (age-34 Yrs) & 2) Rakesh @ Bhalle (age-32 yrs) both residents of Village Bawana, Delhi. Rakesh @ Bhalle is a “Bad Character” of PS Bawana Delhi and is previously involved in cases of Robberies and theft whereas Harvinder Singh was previously involved in cases of Attempt to Murder and Cheating.


On 02/12/2009, one Jagbir Singh was found shot dead in a office of “Subham Properties” whereas one injured Raj Kumar @ Raju, was later admitted to Maharishi Balmiki Hospital, Pooth Kurd, Delhi. A case FIR No. 235/2009 dated 03/12/2009 u/s 302/307 IPC and 25/27 Arms Act  was registered at PS Bawana, Delhi. The injured Raj Kumar @ Raju disclosed that one Harvinder Singh and Rakesh @ Bhalle shot them. Both the accused persons were absconding and evading police dragnet. Special Cell had also got input relating to movement of these accused persons. The dedicated  and sincere efforts bore results and on 06/12/2009, team of Special Cell arrested the desperados near the Metro Station, Rithala at about 01:30 PM when they came there to meet someone. 

The arrested duo were subjected to sustained interrogation on which both confessed their involvement in the present case. They revealed Harvinder Singh and Rakesh @ Bhalle  were property dealers-cum financers and had loaned Rs. 55,000/- to Jagbir Singh.  Jagbir Singh was unable to repay his debts. Harvinder Singh and Rakesh @ Bhalle  pressurized deceased Jagbir to repay Rs. 55,000/- which he had taken as loan . On 02/12/2009, about 08:00 PM accused persons Harvinder Singh & Rakesh @ Bhalle were having drinks at their office of “Subham Properties”, Jagbir and Raj Kumar @ Raju came there to have talks over the borrowed money. A quarrel took place and accused Harvinder Singh fired 3/4 shots from his country made pistol. One shot hit deceased Jagbir in the head and he was killed instantly while another shot hit Raj Kumar @ Raju in stomach. After that both Harvinder Singh & Rakesh fled after committing the crime and were on run since then. 

  Further investigation is in progress.                                                      


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