Why Health Experts Say Figs Are Better Than Almonds and Raisins

Dr Ankit Garg
Dr Ankit Garg

Health Expert: Dr. Ankit Garg
Surgeon and Assistant Professor
MBBS, MS, FIAGES | Department of Surgery, NDMC Medical College and Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi
Contact – :  drankitgarg2007@gmail.com
Mobile – : + 91- 7351296379

If you think that your health can only be strengthened by eating almonds and raisins, it’s time to rethink that belief. According to Dr. Ankit Garg, an esteemed surgeon and health expert, figs are one of the most powerful dry fruits, often overshadowed by the more popular almonds and raisins. But did you know that figs are packed with a range of health benefits that can transform your wellness journey?

Dr. Garg emphasizes that figs offer advantages beyond what almonds and raisins can provide, making them an ideal choice for those looking to improve heart health, regulate blood sugar, and boost overall nutrition. Let’s dive into the reasons why health experts are now placing figs at the forefront of dry fruit recommendations.

Benefits of Figs for Heart Health

Improve Cardiovascular Wellness

One of the standout benefits of figs, as highlighted by Dr. Garg, is their ability to enhance heart health. Figs are loaded with potassium, an essential mineral that helps regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertension — a major cause of heart attacks and strokes.

  • Heart Disease Prevention: The high fiber content in figs helps reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, further lowering the chances of artery blockage and improving blood circulation.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The antioxidants found in figs combat oxidative stress, a key contributor to heart disease.

Incorporating figs into your daily diet can significantly reduce the risk of serious and life-threatening heart conditions, making them an essential part of your heart health strategy.


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A Natural Remedy for Diabetes Patients

Control Blood Sugar Levels

Figs are not just beneficial for heart health — they are a game-changer for those managing diabetes. Dr. Garg recommends figs as a natural remedy for controlling blood sugar levels. While almonds and raisins can be a good snack option for diabetics, figs offer distinct advantages.

  • Low Glycemic Index: Unlike raisins, which can cause a spike in sugar levels, figs have a low glycemic index, ensuring a more controlled and steady release of glucose into the bloodstream.
  • High Fiber Content: The dietary fiber in figs slows down the absorption of sugar, preventing sudden blood sugar spikes and helping maintain stable levels.

For those who struggle with managing their blood sugar, adding figs to the daily diet can be an effective and natural solution.

Figs for Bone Strength and Overall Wellness

Strengthen Your Bones Naturally

According to Dr. Garg, figs are an excellent source of calcium, surpassing even almonds in this department. If bone health is a concern, figs are a fantastic way to boost calcium intake and promote stronger bones. The presence of magnesium and phosphorus in figs also contributes to improved bone density.

  • Prevent Osteoporosis: Regular consumption of figs can protect against the onset of osteoporosis by providing essential minerals needed for bone health.
  • Support Joint Health: Figs are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that can also help relieve joint pain and stiffness, making them beneficial for people with arthritis.

Figs: A Treasure Trove of Fiber and Nutrition

Packed with Essential Nutrients

Dr. Garg points out that figs are a nutritional powerhouse, making them more beneficial than almonds and raisins for daily consumption. Here’s a breakdown of what figs offer:

  • Fiber: Supports digestive health and relieves constipation.
  • Copper: Helps in the absorption of iron and promotes brain health.
  • Potassium: Maintains fluid balance and supports healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Iron: Prevents anemia and boosts energy levels.
  • Protein: Essential for muscle repair and growth.
  • Calcium: Strengthens bones and teeth.

By eating two to four figs every day, you can give your body a balanced intake of these vital nutrients, enhancing your overall health and vitality.

How to Eat Figs for Maximum Benefits

The Best Way to Consume Figs

To ensure that you’re getting the most out of figs, Dr. Garg recommends soaking them overnight. Soaked figs are easier to digest and their nutrients are better absorbed by the body. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Soak Figs Overnight: Take two to four dried figs and soak them in a glass of water before going to bed.
  2. Consume on an Empty Stomach: Eat the soaked figs the next morning on an empty stomach for optimal results.
  3. Drink Fig Water: You can also drink the water in which the figs were soaked to further enhance the benefits.

This morning routine will not only improve digestion but also provide a steady supply of energy throughout the day.

Additional Health Benefits of Figs

Improve Gut Health

Figs are also known for their role in maintaining a healthy gut. The high fiber content acts as a natural laxative, aiding in regular bowel movements and preventing digestive issues like constipation and bloating. By improving gut health, figs can also boost your immune system, as a healthy gut is closely linked to overall immunity.

Anti-Aging Properties

The antioxidants found in figs help fight the signs of aging. They protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals, reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Eating figs regularly can promote a youthful and radiant complexion, making them a beauty-enhancing fruit as well!

Weight Management

If you’re looking to shed a few pounds, figs can be a great addition to your diet. Their high fiber content keeps you feeling full for longer, preventing overeating and unnecessary snacking. Despite their natural sweetness, figs are low in calories, making them a perfect snack for those aiming to maintain or lose weight.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are figs more beneficial than almonds and raisins?

Yes! Figs offer a more diverse range of nutrients than almonds and raisins, including more fiber, calcium, and potassium. This makes them a better choice for overall health.

2. Can figs help with digestion?

Absolutely. Figs are high in dietary fiber, which promotes regular bowel movements and alleviates constipation, leading to better gut health.

3. How many figs should I eat per day?

Health experts like Dr. Garg recommend eating two to four figs daily to reap the full benefits. Soaking them overnight and eating them on an empty stomach can enhance their effectiveness.

4. Can figs be consumed by people with diabetes?

Yes, figs are a great option for diabetics. They have a low glycemic index, helping to regulate blood sugar levels naturally.

5. Can eating figs improve skin health?

Yes! The antioxidants in figs protect the skin from aging and environmental damage, promoting a healthier, younger-looking complexion.


Dr. Ankit Garg’s expert advice is clear: figs are more beneficial than almonds and raisins in a variety of ways. From improving heart health and regulating blood sugar to strengthening bones and promoting digestion, figs are a nutritional powerhouse that can significantly boost your health.

If you’ve been relying solely on almonds and raisins to maintain good health, it’s time to shake things up. Add figs to your daily routine and experience the incredible benefits for yourself. Whether you soak them overnight or snack on them throughout the day, figs are a simple yet powerful way to elevate your wellness journey.

Remember, with just two to four figs a day, you’ll soon forget all about those almonds and raisins!


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