Guru purnima 2024: Transform your life with the turmeric knot garland


New Delhi : Within the pantheon of Hinduism, the Guru occupies a preeminent position, often revered above the deities themselves. As the adage goes, “Guru Govind Dou Khade, Kaake Laage Paay, Balihari Guru Apne Govind Diyo Bataye,” emphasizing the Guru’s unparalleled stature. The day of Guru Purnima, observed in the month of Ashadha, is heralded in the scriptures as particularly auspicious. This year, Guru Purnima falls on July 21st, a day wholly consecrated to the Guru, with disciples seeking their mentor’s blessings.

According to the Puranas, this day marks the birth of Sage Ved Vyas, the illustrious composer of the Mahabharata, thus imbuing it with profound significance. Among the myriad of practices believed to invoke transformative effects in one’s life on this day is the donning of a turmeric knot garland. This practice, steeped in tradition, holds particular importance and should be undertaken with due reverence.

The Significance of the Turmeric Knot Garland

Yellow, the hue adored by Lord Vishnu, is also the color of turmeric, a substance revered for its sacredness. Astrological traditions posit that adorning oneself with a garland of turmeric can nullify planetary afflictions and bolster the influence of Jupiter. Furthermore, such a garland is believed to dispel matrimonial impediments, thus fostering harmony and auspiciousness in personal endeavors.

Essential Considerations

  • Auspicious Timing: Prior to wearing the garland, it is imperative to select an auspicious time.
  • Purification: The garland must be sanctified with Gangajal before being worn.
  • Chanting Mantras: While donning the garland, recite the mantra “Om Namo Narayanaya” or “Gurudev Byaun Namah” 108 times.
  • Maintenance: Ensure the garland remains pristine after wearing it.
  • Respectful Handling: Avoid placing the garland in unclean locations and remove it before attending funerals. After returning, purify both yourself and the garland with Gangajal before wearing it again.

By observing these practices with devotion and mindfulness, one can harness the auspicious energies of Guru Purnima, thereby inviting positive changes and blessings into their life.


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