PM Modi Celebrates Yoga Day 2024 in Srinagar: Emphasizes Global Power of Yoga

PM Modi Celebrates Yoga Day 2024 in Srinagar
PM Modi Celebrates Yoga Day 2024 in Srinagar

Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked the 10th International Yoga Day with a resounding message about the transformative power of yoga. Addressing the main function at the Sher-e-Kashmir International Conference Center (SKICC) in Srinagar, PM Modi declared, “The world believes in the power of yoga.” His speech highlighted yoga’s profound impact on individual well-being and global harmony, reflecting the growing international recognition of this ancient practice.

Yoga: A Catalyst for Positive Change

PM Modi emphasized that yoga is more than just a physical exercise; it is a catalyst for positive change in society. He stated, “Yoga helps us to live in the present moment without carrying the burden of the past.” This ability to focus on the present enables individuals to influence the world positively. By fostering inner calm and clarity, yoga paves the way for a more harmonious and connected society.

Global Embrace of Yoga

The Prime Minister noted the increasing global embrace of yoga. “The number of people doing yoga is constantly increasing,” he said. He mentioned that during his international travels, he frequently discusses the benefits of yoga with other leaders. This widespread interest underscores yoga’s universal appeal and its role in promoting health and well-being across cultures.

Yoga’s International Reach

PM Modi cited examples from various countries where yoga has become an integral part of daily life. He mentioned Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, and Germany as places where yoga’s popularity is surging. This global phenomenon indicates a significant shift towards recognizing yoga as a valuable tool for physical and mental health.

A Tribute to Charlotte Chopin

In his address, PM Modi honored 101-year-old French yoga instructor Charlotte Chopin, who received the Padma Shri for her efforts in popularizing yoga in France. Her dedication and passion for yoga serve as an inspiration for practitioners worldwide and highlight the cross-cultural appreciation of this ancient discipline.

Yoga Tourism in India

The Prime Minister also spoke about the rise of yoga tourism in India. “We are now seeing yoga tourism in states like Uttarakhand and Kerala,” he said. People from all over the world are coming to India to learn authentic yoga practices, enhancing the country’s reputation as the global hub of yoga. This trend is boosting local economies and fostering cultural exchange.

Adaptation to Weather: A Smooth Transition

Despite heavy rain in the morning, which necessitated a venue change from the open grounds to the hall of SKICC, the Yoga Day celebrations proceeded smoothly. The rain ceased just as the program began, allowing participants to enjoy memorable moments practicing yoga with the Prime Minister. This adaptability and resilience reflect the spirit of yoga itself.

Yoga: A Path to Employment

The practice of yoga is not only enhancing personal well-being but also creating new employment opportunities. PM Modi highlighted that many people are now hiring private yoga instructors, and companies are incorporating yoga into their wellness programs. This trend is opening new avenues for livelihood, demonstrating yoga’s economic as well as health benefits.

Yoga: A Science of Mind and Body

“Yoga is not only knowledge; it is also science,” PM Modi declared. In today’s information-rich era, yoga offers a solution to the challenge of maintaining focus. By helping to center the mind, yoga enhances concentration and mental clarity, proving invaluable in managing the flood of information we face daily.

Integration of Yoga in Various Sectors

Yoga’s integration extends beyond personal practice into various professional fields. From the army to the sports world, yoga has become a crucial component of training regimens. Astronauts and space project personnel also practice yoga to enhance productivity and endurance, illustrating yoga’s versatility and wide-ranging benefits.

Yoga’s Growing Popularity in Jammu and Kashmir

PM Modi expressed his satisfaction with the increasing popularity of yoga in Jammu and Kashmir. He noted that yoga classes are even being introduced in prisons to promote positive thinking among inmates. The adoption of yoga by the people of Jammu and Kashmir is expected to boost tourism, as more visitors come to experience the region’s unique combination of natural beauty and yogic practice.

Theme for 2024: ‘Yoga for Self and Society’

The theme for International Yoga Day 2024, ‘Yoga for self and society,’ emphasizes yoga’s dual role in promoting individual well-being and social harmony. This theme resonates with the Prime Minister’s message that personal peace can lead to broader societal benefits.

Historical Celebrations of International Yoga Day

Since its inception in 2015, International Yoga Day has been celebrated at prestigious locations worldwide. PM Modi has led celebrations at iconic venues such as Kartavya Path in Delhi, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Ranchi, Lucknow, Mysore, and the United Nations Headquarters in New York. These events have showcased yoga’s global significance and its role in fostering international unity.

As the world continues to embrace yoga, its impact on individual health and global harmony becomes increasingly evident. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address on the 10th International Yoga Day in Srinagar highlighted yoga’s power to transform lives and societies. From fostering inner peace to creating new economic opportunities, yoga stands as a beacon of hope and positivity in our interconnected world.


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