America ready for ceasefire after 32 thousand people died in Gaza


After the death of 32 thousand people in Gaza, America is ready for ceasefire. America, which has vetoed three resolutions in the UNSC (United Nations Security Council) on stopping the Israel-Hamas war, is now bringing its own resolution. This information was given by Foreign Minister Antony Blinken.

The focus of the US proposal will be on the release of Israelis held captive by Hamas. Before this, America had rejected all the proposals that came to its heart. The first proposal to prevent rust was presented by Malta in November 2023. For the second time, the proposal was presented by the UAE in December 2023 and for the third time in February 2024, the North African country Algeria presented the proposal. America had used veto all three times.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting Middle East countries in connection with the Israel-Hamas war. Currently he is in Saudi Arabia. Here in an interview given to Saudi Al-Hadath channel, he said – We have prepared a proposal. It has been sent to UNSC. In this, a demand has been made for immediate ceasefire keeping in mind the release of hostages. We have full hope that other countries will support it.

In fact, till now America has rejected the proposals because they only talk about ceasefire. There is no mention of the release of the hostages. America has been saying that immediate ceasefire will put the release of hostages in danger. An agreement with Hamas is needed to release the hostages. Demanding an unconditional ceasefire will not bring lasting peace. This can increase rust. That’s why we veto.


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