Amit Shah Challenges Congress Legacy, Advocates Development in Madhya Pradesh


Shivpuri : Union Home Minister Amit Shah delivers a powerful speech in Shivpuri, attacking Congress’s past governance and outlining BJP’s vision for Madhya Pradesh’s future, including the long-awaited installation date for the Ram temple.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s Stance in Shivpuri: A Decisive Call for Change

In a landmark address to the residents of Shivpuri, Union Home Minister Amit Shah laid down a decisive political gauntlet in the heart of Madhya Pradesh. With the sun casting long shadows over the spirited crowd, Shah’s voice resonated with the urgency of the upcoming elections—this was a battle cry, a rallying point for change.

Madhya Pradesh’s Political Crossroads: A Tale of Two Governments

Madhya Pradesh stands at a crossroads, its future hinging on the choice between stagnation and progress. Union Home Minister Amit Shah painted a stark contrast between the Congress and the BJP’s visions for the state. The Congress era, according to Shah, was marked by darkness and decline, a period where Madhya Pradesh was branded a ‘sick state’. The BJP government, in contrast, emerges as a beacon of hope, having dedicated 18 years to the upliftment of farmers, Dalits, backward classes, women, tribals, and the youth. Shah’s critique of the Congress’s governance was unflinching, accusing them of nepotism and self-enrichment, while the BJP’s tenure was characterized by robust development and exponential growth in the state’s budget.

The Transformation of Madhya Pradesh’s Economy under BJP’s Governance

Shah highlighted the economic transformation under the BJP’s governance, noting a budgetary increase from a mere Rs 23 thousand crores in 2002 to a staggering Rs 3 lakh 14 thousand crores. The upliftment of SC, ST, and OBC communities was underscored with an increased budget from Rs 1 thousand crore to Rs 64 thousand crores, showcasing the BJP’s commitment to inclusive progress. This financial surge under BJP rule was a testament to their developmental policies and economic acumen.

India’s Global Standing and National Security: Modi’s Leadership

Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, India’s stature on the world stage has grown significantly. Amit Shah contrasted this with the Congress Party’s history of opposition to progressive measures. National security was a key theme, with Shah recalling the inaction of the Congress-led government during frequent terrorist infiltrations. In a proud recount of recent history, Shah reminded the audience of the BJP government’s decisive actions against terrorism, including the surgical strikes and air strikes within Pakistan following the Pulwama and Uri attacks.

The Commencement of Ram Temple Construction: A Promised Date

A highlight of Shah’s speech was the announcement of a definitive date for the installation of Ramlala, a long-awaited event set for 22 January 2024, at 12.30 pm. This announcement served as a direct response to Rahul Gandhi’s prior skepticism and stood as a promise fulfilled, a dream realized for many devotees.

Exposing the ‘4C Formula’ of the Congress Party

Shah’s address took a critical turn as he delved into what he termed the Congress party’s ‘4C formula’: commission, corruption, cronyism, and nepotism. He accused Kamal Nath of turning Madhya Pradesh into a fertile ground for these malpractices, particularly highlighting the alleged commission industry and the shutdown of over 51 welfare schemes previously run by the Shivraj Singh government. Shah warned that a return of Kamal Nath could mean the cessation of vital schemes like the Ladli Brahmin Yojana and the end of subsidies for farmers.

A Vote for the Future: The Promise of Continuity and Prosperity

In closing, Union Home Minister Amit Shah emphasized that the forthcoming vote was not just a routine electoral exercise, but a decisive choice about the direction of Madhya Pradesh’s future. The choice was between the BJP’s promise of continuity and prosperity and the Congress’s legacy of self-service and underdevelopment. Shah’s call to action was clear: the power of one vote can determine the trajectory of Madhya Pradesh for the next five years and beyond.


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