Avoid Marital Strains with Vastu Shastra: Positioning for Positive Energy

Vastu Shastra Guidelines for a Harmonious Marriage
Vastu Shastra Guidelines for a Harmonious Marriage

New Delhi : Vastu Shastra Guidelines for a Harmonious Marriage:
Be Cautious About Placing Wedding Photos in Certain Areas to Avoid Discord. Every married individual aspires for a fulfilling and joyful marital journey. To achieve this, it is crucial for spouses to allocate quality time for one another. In our contemporary, financially-driven society, many couples are preoccupied with dual careers, often leading to limited shared moments. This shortage of time, compounded by high stress levels, can erode the emotional connection between spouses.

Such strains are not only the result of mental and physical challenges but can also arise due to Vastu imbalances within the home. A home afflicted by Vastu imperfections tends to harbor negative energies, which in turn can manifest as various domestic issues. Further complicating matters, our own actions within the home can contribute to Vastu imbalances, thereby disrupting marital harmony.

To fortify the bonds of marriage and sidestep these pitfalls, it’s beneficial to adhere to certain Vastu principles. For instance, aligning your bed in the Northwest or North direction is believed to foster a contented marital life. Maintaining a clutter-free bedroom devoid of work-related items like laptops or books can also enhance relational intimacy. Adding delicate flowers to the room can further strengthen the marital bond.

Sleeping Orientation Matters: It’s generally advised against sleeping with your head pointing north, as per Vastu guidelines. This not only poses potential health risks but can also negatively impact your marriage. Both partners experiencing exhaustion from such a sleeping arrangement could find their relationship strained.

Optimal Sleeping Direction: To enrich your marriage, the ideal sleeping position is with your head facing south. This alignment is said to deepen the emotional connection between partners and enhance marital bliss.

Where to Display Wedding Photos: Many couples like to adorn their homes with framed wedding pictures. If you’re among them, it’s crucial to place these keepsakes in the right Vastu-approved direction to bolster harmony. The East direction is most favorable for wedding photos in the bedroom, while the Southwest is ideal for family pictures. This arrangement is believed to amplify positive energy and deepen the marital bond.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as expert  advice.


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