Global Unity and Terrorism: Key Points from PM Modi’s G20 Address


New Delhi : At the G20 Parliamentary Speakers Summit held in Delhi this Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a poignant address that emphasized the importance of global unity, peace, and the need to jointly combat the menace of terrorism.

A Confluence of Global Parliamentary Wisdom

Terming the conference as a “Mahakumbh” of diverse parliamentary knowledge from around the globe, PM Modi underscored the significance of the present times. “This is the time of peace and brotherhood, time to move together, time to move forward together,” he proclaimed.

India’s Struggle with Cross-Border Terrorism

Shedding light on the nation’s long-standing battle with terrorism, PM Modi recounted the terror attack on the Indian Parliament nearly two decades ago. He painted a chilling picture of that fateful day, highlighting the terrorists’ sinister plans to take MPs hostage. “India has reached here after dealing with many such terrorist incidents,” he remarked, emphasizing the nation’s resilience and commitment to safeguarding its democracy.

The Global Challenge of Defining Terrorism

PM Modi took a firm stance against the global inconsistency regarding the definition of terrorism. He expressed concern over the lack of consensus on this critical issue, emphasizing the delay in the approval of the International Convention on Incumbent Terrorism at the United Nations. “These enemies of humanity are taking advantage of this condition of the world,” he cautioned.

He further elucidated, “Wherever terrorism happens, for whatever reason, in whatever form it happens, but terrorism is against humanity, we all have to show strictness against such terrorism.”

India’s Robust Parliamentary Democracy

Highlighting the strength and dynamism of India’s democratic processes, PM Modi proudly spoke of the nation’s electoral journey since its independence in 1947. With 17 general elections and over 300 state assembly elections under its belt, India celebrates its general elections as its grandest festival.

A Plea for Global Solidarity

Concluding his address, PM Modi emphasized the interconnectedness of today’s world. He stated that no nation remains untouched by global events, and a world in crisis does not serve anyone’s interest. “A divided world cannot provide solutions to the major challenges facing humanity,” he opined, reiterating the need for peace, brotherhood, and collective development.


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