Unveiling the Everything : Lord Krishna’s Peacock Crown and Its Symbolic Significance


Mathura : Explore the profound reasons behind Lord Krishna’s distinctive crown adorned with peacock feathers. Uncover the rich symbolism and stories that make it a timeless emblem of spirituality.

Why is Lord Krishna called Peacock Crowned, why peacock feathers adorn his crown?

Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, is revered and adored by millions around the world. His enchanting tales, divine teachings, and captivating persona have left an indelible mark on human history. One distinctive aspect that sets Lord Krishna apart is the beautiful adornment of peacock feathers in his crown. This seemingly simple act holds profound symbolism and significance in Hindu mythology and culture. In this article, we delve into the multifaceted reasons behind Lord Krishna being called “Peacock Crowned” and why peacock feathers grace his divine headwear.


The Peacock’s Priceless Assistance

One of the most intriguing stories associated with Lord Krishna and peacock feathers harks back to the Treta Yuga when Lord Vishnu incarnated as Lord Rama. During his exile, Rama, accompanied by his loyal brother Lakshmana, was in relentless pursuit of his abducted wife, Sita, who had been taken by the demon king, Ravana. Desperate to find Sita’s whereabouts, they traversed forests, seeking clues from every living being they encountered.

It was during this arduous quest that they encountered a noble peacock. This gracious bird offered invaluable help to Lord Rama. The peacock, recognizing their predicament, offered to fly ahead and guide them to Sita’s location through the sky. However, fearing that Rama and Lakshmana might lose their way on foot, the peacock made a selfless sacrifice. It began shedding its resplendent feathers, one by one, to mark the path for them. Tragically, the peacock perished as its feathers fell, but it had fulfilled its sacred duty.

Lord Rama, deeply moved by this act of selflessness, vowed to honor the peacock in his next life. Thus, when Lord Vishnu reincarnated as Lord Krishna, he adorned his crown with the feathers of the peacock as a symbol of eternal gratitude.

Astrological Significance – Kalsarp Yoga

Astrology plays a significant role in Hindu culture, and Lord Krishna’s choice of peacock feathers also holds astrological relevance. It is believed that Lord Krishna had Kalsarp Yoga in his horoscope. Kalsarp Yoga is a challenging astrological combination associated with serpents and their influence. Interestingly, peacocks and snakes are natural adversaries, and the presence of peacock feathers is believed to counteract the effects of Kalsarp Dosh.

Lord Krishna, in his wisdom, always kept peacock feathers close to him, as they were believed to mitigate the adverse influences of this astrological configuration. This astrological aspect sheds light on the intricate and multi-dimensional nature of Lord Krishna’s persona.

Symbolism of Celibacy

Another compelling interpretation behind Lord Krishna’s choice of peacock feathers is rooted in the symbolism of celibacy. Peacocks are unique among birds, as they remain celibate throughout their lives. Legend has it that a female peacock conceives by drinking the tears of the male peacock, emphasizing the purity and chastity associated with this magnificent bird.

Lord Krishna, the embodiment of divine love and purity, chose to adorn his crown with the feathers of the celibate peacock, symbolizing his unwavering commitment to righteousness and virtue. This gesture reflects the deeper spiritual message that Lord Krishna conveyed through his actions, encouraging his devotees to lead lives of purity and devotion.

In conclusion, the presence of peacock feathers in Lord Krishna’s crown is a testament to the rich tapestry of symbolism and stories that surround Hindu mythology. Whether as a token of gratitude for a peacock’s sacrifice, a safeguard against astrological challenges, or a symbol of purity and celibacy, Lord Krishna’s choice is a reflection of his multifaceted and divine nature.

As we celebrate Janmashtami in 2023, let us reflect on the profound meanings behind this captivating aspect of Lord Krishna’s appearance, reminding us of the depth and beauty of Hindu culture and spirituality.


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