Anti-Drone Technology Takes Center Stage at G-20 Summit


New Delhi  : The G-20 summit is undoubtedly one of the most significant gatherings of world leaders, where discussions on global economic issues, cooperation, and international relations take center stage. This year, the event is set to be hosted in the vibrant and historic city of Delhi, India, on the 9th and 10th of September. With the participation of representatives from 19 countries, including the Presidents of the United States and France, as well as the Prime Ministers of Britain and Japan, security is of paramount importance. India, as the host nation, is leaving no stone unturned when it comes to ensuring the safety and well-being of its distinguished foreign guests.

The Role of Netra Aircraft

Among the various measures being taken to guarantee the security of the G-20 summit, one of the most notable is the deployment of the indigenous surveillance and monitoring aircraft, Netra, by the Indian Air Force. The Netra aircraft has gained prominence in recent years, particularly during the Balakot strike in February 2019 when it was utilized to monitor Pakistani F-16 fighter planes.

The Netra aircraft is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, making it an invaluable asset for airspace security. Its advanced surveillance capabilities allow for real-time monitoring and data collection, ensuring that any potential threats are identified and addressed promptly. This high-tech aircraft serves as a critical component of India’s comprehensive security strategy for the G-20 summit, demonstrating the nation’s commitment to the safety and security of its international guests.

Missile Defense for Delhi’s Airspace

In addition to the Netra aircraft, the Indian security forces are implementing a multi-layered defense system for Delhi’s airspace. This includes the deployment of advanced missile defense systems to safeguard against any airborne threats. The presence of Army helicopters engaged in air patrolling further strengthens the city’s air defense capabilities.

To bolster on-ground security, National Security Guard (NSG) commandos will be strategically positioned throughout the event’s vicinity. Highly trained Army and NSG snipers will be stationed on tall buildings surrounding the summit venue, providing a critical line of defense against potential threats from elevated positions.

Anti-Drone Technology

In recognition of the evolving nature of security threats, the Indian authorities have taken proactive measures to counter the possibility of drone-related incidents during the G-20 summit. For the first time, an anti-drone system has been installed, effectively restricting the use of drones or kites in the airspace over Delhi during the event. This technology serves as an additional layer of protection, ensuring that unauthorized aerial activities are swiftly detected and neutralized.

Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Surveillance

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the security apparatus is another significant step forward in ensuring the safety of the G-20 summit. Delhi has been equipped with AI-based cameras that are strategically positioned throughout the city. These advanced cameras are programmed to detect any suspicious activity and immediately send alerts to security officers. This real-time monitoring system enhances situational awareness and allows for rapid response to potential security threats.

Fortified Accommodations for Foreign Guests

The security measures extend beyond the event venue itself. The accommodations where foreign guests will stay have been fortified to ensure their safety and well-being. Anti-drone systems have been installed in these locations, providing an additional layer of protection.

Furthermore, bulletproof glass has been employed in these accommodations to safeguard against any potential security breaches. These precautions are a testament to India’s dedication to providing a secure and welcoming environment for its international visitors.

Monitoring Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media plays a pivotal role in disseminating information and shaping public opinion. To maintain a vigilant watch on potential security risks, a team of IT experts will closely monitor social media posts and trends throughout the G-20 summit. This proactive approach ensures that any emerging threats or concerns can be addressed swiftly and effectively.

Culinary Delights for World Leaders

Beyond security, India is keen to showcase its rich and diverse culture to the world leaders attending the G-20 summit. A highlight of this cultural exchange will be the culinary experience offered to the esteemed guests.

World leaders will have the opportunity to savor the delights of Indian street food, as well as the nutritious and flavorful millets from Chandni Chowk, a historic market in Delhi. This culinary offering reflects India’s commitment to providing a memorable and culturally enriching experience for its international guests.

Left-Hand Drive Cars for Foreign Dignitaries

In yet another thoughtful gesture, the central government has ordered left-hand drive cars for the G-20 summit. These vehicles, in addition to providing a smooth and comfortable transportation experience, are also bulletproof. They have been specially designed to transport foreign dignitaries safely and securely throughout the summit.

To ensure the seamless operation of these vehicles, 450 Central Reserve Police Force personnel have undergone rigorous training to become skilled drivers, guaranteeing the safety of the guests as they travel within Delhi.

In conclusion, the G-20 summit in Delhi is not only a platform for global leaders to engage in crucial discussions but also an opportunity for India to showcase its hospitality and commitment to ensuring the safety and security of its international guests. The comprehensive security measures, including the deployment of the Netra aircraft, missile defense systems, anti-drone technology, and AI-based surveillance, reflect India’s dedication to hosting a successful and secure summit. Additionally, the cultural exchange through culinary experiences and thoughtful transportation arrangements further enhance the overall experience for world leaders attending this prestigious event.


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