China’s Fake Sun Creates World Record by Generating Heat of 100 Million Degree Celsius


China’s experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST) has set a new world record by generating a heat of 100 million degrees Celsius. The artificial sun created a highly concentrated plasma for about seven minutes, which is a significant achievement for China’s quest to find a cheap technique of controlled nuclear fusion.

What is EAST?

The experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST) is a magnetic confinement fusion device designed to replicate the nuclear fusion process that powers the sun. It is located in Hefei City, east of China, and has been operational since 2006. Scientists have been conducting more than 120,000 tests to create an artificial sun by heating hydrogen atoms to above 100 million °C (180 million °F).

World Record Breakthrough

EAST generated and maintained the plasma for 403 seconds, breaking its previous record of 101 seconds set in 2017. The main significance of this new breakthrough lies in its high confinement mode, which greatly increases the temperature and density of the plasma. The heat of the plasma was measured to be 100 million degrees Celsius, a temperature that was only found naturally on the surface of the Sun.

Potential Benefits

The achievement of China’s artificial sun will not only reduce dependence on fossil fuels but also benefit the environment. This technology can replace the current nuclear reactors and provide a huge source of clean energy to the world. The project is still at the experimental stage, so it may take a long time to become a commercially viable energy source. However, this breakthrough will lay a solid foundation for improving the technical and economic feasibility of fusion reactors.

Future Implications

China’s achievement in creating an artificial sun will have a significant impact on the energy sector. Nuclear fusion is seen as a safe, clean, and nearly infinite energy source that could revolutionize the way we produce electricity. If scientists can find a way to harness nuclear fusion, it could provide a sustainable source of energy that could power the world for millions of years.


Q. What is nuclear fusion?
A. Nuclear fusion is a process in which atomic nuclei combine to form heavier nuclei, releasing energy in the process. It is the same process that powers the sun and other stars.

Q. How does EAST work?
A. EAST uses magnetic fields to confine the plasma and heat it to the required temperature for nuclear fusion. The plasma is confined in a toroidal shape and is heated by radio waves and other sources.

Q. What are the potential risks of nuclear fusion?
A. Nuclear fusion is a safe and clean process that does not produce greenhouse gases or radioactive waste. However, there are still challenges to overcome before it becomes a commercially viable energy source.


China’s artificial sun, EAST, has set a new world record by generating a heat of 100 million degrees Celsius. This breakthrough will have a significant impact on the energy sector, providing a sustainable source of energy that could power the world for millions of years. Although this technology is still at the experimental stage, it lays a solid foundation for improving the technical and economic feasibility of fusion reactors. China’s achievement is a significant step forward in the quest for clean and sustainable energy.


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