Know who first created marriage and how this tradition started


Know who first created marriage and how this tradition started

Marriage is said to be important in every religion and it is celebrated like a festival. But in Hinduism, the relationship between husband and wife formed during marriage has been described as sacred.

It is believed that by getting married, not only two people but two families meet and each other’s happiness and sorrow are shared.

Right now the wedding season is going on and most of the people would be attending the wedding ceremony. But who made the rule of marriage and who got married first on this earth, if this question is jumping in your mind, then today we are giving you the answer through this article, so let us know.

There are many such mythological stories in Sanatan Dharma which are believed to be related to marriage, but according to one legend, when this universe was created, at that time Lord Brahma, the creator of the world, had divided his body into two parts and these two pieces One was named Ka and the other was named Or. Similarly, when these pieces got together, the body was formed. And it is from this body that male and female are considered to be born. Then two elements were created from this body. In which the male element was named as Swayambhu Manu and the female was known as Shatarupa. According to religious beliefs, Manu and Shatrupa are considered to be the first humans on this earth.

It is said that when these two met each other on earth, they received family knowledge and sanskar from Lord Brahma and in the same way they got the knowledge of married life. If we look at the Puranas, it is described in them that the tradition of marriage was started by the white sage. Sindoor, dignity, importance, mangalsutra, seven rounds and the rituals performed during marriage were made by them. White Rishi has given equal status and respect to husband and wife after marriage, it is believed that the practice of marriage started from them, which is going on till now. PLC/GT


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