Know what your dream wants to tell you


Know what your dream wants to tell you

Dreams are not just dreams, dreams indicate what is going to be good or what is going to be bad.

Usually everyone dreams in sleep, but sometimes dreams are scary and different, which give us many types of signals.
Dreams are a special state of mind in which reality is perceived. Dreams come neither in waking state nor in sleep, but they come in between the two. Food habits and diseases have a big role behind the coming of dreams. Planets and zodiac signs are also responsible behind this but not every dream has any meaning. Most of the dreams are futile.
what the scriptures say
The meaning of dreams has been explained in Puranas through different incidents.
There is a special discussion about dreams in Ramcharit Manas.
Apart from this, the relation of the birth of Lord Mahavira and Gautam Buddha has also been linked to dreams.
In the scriptures, apart from dreams, the way to get rid of its influence has also been told.
How much impact do dreams have on us?
Most of the dreams are born from thoughts of the mind or from diseases.
These types of dreams have no or minimal impact on the present or future.
Some dreams are in the form of warning or information and these dreams are really important.
These dreams warn you about the future and tell auspicious and inauspicious events.
Dreams seen at dawn or suddenly are generally true.
Meaning of different dreams
Dreams related to sky or air show that your Vata balance is disturbed.
If you see dreams related to water, waterfall or river, then understand that your phlegm element is wrong.
If you dream of fire, sun or volcano, then it tells that your balance of pitta is disturbed.
The dream of lotus flower, elephant, monkey, swan and cow is considered very auspicious.
Seeing a snake in a dream tells that your carelessness can put you in trouble.
If the death of a person is seen in the dream, then it should be understood that the crisis faced by that person has been averted.
If you see an accident happening with someone or with yourself in your dream, then you should be careful.
If you dream of a celebration or a party in your dream, then it should be understood that you are going to be ill.
If you see yourself or someone else reciting worship in your dream, then it should be understood that you are going to get some big benefit.
If you see dreams related to money and jewelry, then it is a sign of illness. You may fall ill or lose your job. If you see dreams of temples or deities, then it gives information about your rituals, how are your rituals. If you dream of food and drink, then it is a sign of change of place. If you dream of white things then it can bring a complete change in your life.

Considering whatever you see in your dream, you can know about the benefits and harms of your dreams by contacting a dream astrologer. PLC/GT


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